.:Merry Christmas:.

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.:Merry Christmas:.

Chapter 12: Merry Christmas.


"MOMMM! I am homee!!" I sang with my horrible ass voice as I walked into our house and dropped my bag at the door. I didnt hear her. She must be gone, but I seen her car parked.  I walked into the kitchen and it wasnt a not on the fridge. I exhaled, "GINA any messages or notes for me."

"Checking now Sir. One note for you is available. Reading note now. "Benji, I am going to see about your dads release date. Ill be back later. Love you -Mom." GINA spoke out as I opened the fridge and grabbed a shake. These thing are nasty, but its helping me stay fit. The season is over for us, but next season is coming soon. Thats right the last month and half has flew by since Sean and I got together.

We got a date for the game, but without Cequis cleared to play we didnt have a full roster and was DQ'd. I didnt really care because it gave me more time to be around Sean. Its been so fun and with Christmas a few days away..I hope he is able to spend it here in Napa. His Mom wants him to fly out to Canada with her. He suppose to txt me the verdict... I pulled my phone out and the front door opened. I heard feet running quickly towards the kitchen as I sent Sean a quick..eye emoji as a txt message. I stared up at his dark chocolate self and he was grinning from ear to ear.

"Why you looking like you just hit the fucking lottery?" I asked him as he slowly slid something out of his pocket and it was his Black Mastercard.

"I called and guess who money is now available....MINE." He confessed and my jaw dropped. He came over and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"I didnt know I would feel different being a 10 dollar millionaire, but this feels great. Get dress, we are going to the city. No excuses because school is on break. You can even invite Sean." He told me as he walked off and it the  settled in that he would move out. He have been literally begging the realtor not to sell his home and she have kept it available for him and now with this money he will purchase it and things will go back to normal here..well sort of. Mom is barely home. Her routine everyday since my dad woke up have been: Wake up, breakfast, visit him, work, visit him, come home, dinner, leave to spend time with Holden, and then back here. Its like clockwork.

Having Travis here have actually been fun. He would never replace my brother, but its been nice to have someone here. Especially, with me anxiously waiting for my father to come home. By the grace of God he is physically well, but his memory is still not back. He still thinks he is married to my mom and that my brother is alive. So my mom thought it best to keep him there as she slowly ease him into certain things and that didnt go too well. He threw fits and even needed to be restraint learning the truth about the years he cant remember. Its been a strain not going to lie. My phone buzzed and my heartdropped thinking it was Sean...but nope its Kori.

"Faggg!!!" She yelled.

"Whoreee!!" I combated. We both laughed as she stated, "So I heard thru the grapevine AKA Dandy that Travis is treating everyone to a night in the city."

"Yes. He just informed me. I dont know if I am going...Sean still havent gave me no info on if he will be here for the holidays." I told her.

"Come onnnnn. Everyone of us deserve it. Cequis passed rehab. Dandy doesnt smoke as much. Travis just became a damn millionaire. Lets fucking celebrate." She tried to pressure me and I replied, "If he isnt able to stay then I want to spend as much time with him as I can—Say Dandy was—." I shut up as my phone started ringing and it was Sean. I didnt even waste no time to answer. I dont even think I told Kori to wait.

"Hey." I said.

"Baby, I am so sorry for being ghost for so lamy hours. I was packing and getting my shit together." He told me with the most saddest voice. I leaned on the counter and exhaled, "I guess you have to go to Canada."

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