.:My Confession:.

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.:My Confession:.

Chapter 17: My Confession.


Can I lay here?
Can I just lay here with him?
Because I fear if I even move the slightest off of his chest...I would wake up from a dream I have had so many times.

"What you thinking about?" I heard him say and my heart dropped. I looked up at him and we smiled at one another. I laid my head back on his large pillow and shot a question back at him.

"How you know I was up?" I asked. I moved my head to the side and stared into his dark sexy eyes.

"I dont know just had a feeling...I for one cant believe what happened last night. After this slow burning relationship between us we both finally admitted it..." He told me. I rubbed his face and laughed, "Excuse you? I knew it for a very long time that I was in love with Travis Scottman. You set off a dream in me...and every day it just got louder and louder and I can just feel it echoing. Hell, still can."

He pretended to listen and laughed, "I think its tough to hear with all your moans still resonating in the air." We both laughed as we tangled our legs together.

"Very funny...." Was the only thing I can even think of. What can I say? He laid the pipe down just right, like the way I wanted. His tongue does magic tricks. My eyes watered so many times just from that.

"Im sorry I took you away from your party." I apologize. He pulled me closer and kissed my lips. And that sex smells and taste still lingered on.

"It was all worth it...besides when you was showering I made sure to go check. Everyone cleaned up the backyard and doors was locked. Mario was passed out across the couch, though." He told me as we heard Rika barking. Rika is The Rivers pet dog. Mister Rivers walks him daily at 6:05 every morning. Its like clock-work. I yawned and whimpered, "I think I need to get home. Txt me when you get up."

"Will do." He told me as he leaned over me and we started making out. Our tongues played sword fights as our dicks clashed under the covers. He moved down and started sucking on my neck and exhaled, "One more round?"

I chuckled, "Is no even an option...I probably cant say it if I wanted too."

About an hour later, I heard GINA speak as I unlocked my front door.


This new update and software he is adding to her is making her have pros and cons. I saw the living room light cut on and my mom was dressed in her pants suit. She must have had court.

"Uhhh where was you Mister?" She asked.

"Over at Travis..I kind of got too drunk and well I stayed over. I should have called." I told her as she grabbed her briefcase and stated, "You sure should have. You get a pass, I have to go down to my office. I have an emergent client if some sort." She told me as she rushed passed me. As I made it towards the stairs, I saw my Dad dressed for the factory coming downstairs.

"Sooo either two things happened...Your lie was the truth or you and Travis sealed the deal." He told me. I smiled at him as he walked passed me and patted my shoulder.

"No need. I smell him all over you. I hope it was all you wanted so are yall a couple now?" He asked and my mind flashbacked to when I asked them that. My legs was over my head and he was plowing that dick into me. He leaned down and kissed me. I asked him and he stated, "I maybe all tough, but us being a full-blown couple scares him."

I told my Dad and his eyes went wide and he stated, "I know this is about to sound selfish, but that shouldnt have worked for you. You spent so much time out of the closet and in front of the spotlight and it isnt fair he is going to drag you back into one in this lowkey relationship."

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