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There was pin drop silence as Alhaji entered the living room,everyone obviously lost in his own thoughts. They were obviously thinking about the unfortunate incident that took place,the disappointment was written on their faces.

Daddy wondered what was wrong, sometimes he blamed himself but what could he do? Was he supposed to sit at home and magically expect money to fall from heaven? Did she expect him to stay at home and do her job of properly bringing up their children? She raised their first son into a gentle man but everything went wrong when Khalid arrived.

It wasn't like she wasn't allowed to pamper her daughter, no.  Of course she was,but to the extent of not teaching her how to cook? That was just unthinkable. For God's sake she's a woman, she's one day going to be a home maker,she's one day going to have kids of her own, was this the example Hajiya Intisaar wanted to set for her daughter?

He often wondered what happened to his wife. He sat down at the far end of the living room on the royal one sitter couch, tapping his right foot continuously on the floor.  He stood up,pacing the huge living room he stopped when he got to the middle and let out a sigh,his face as cold as ice.

Alhaji stared at the other four people in the room and spoke;

"Intisaar" he called. Immediately she heard that a shiver ran through her. She knew, she already knew that whenever he called her with her first name there was always fire on the mountain, but now she wondered what she had done wrong. She slowly raised her head to meet her husbands icy stare.

"Alhaji" she answered.

"what exactly is the problem?" he asked still maintaining eye contact.

"I don't understand what you mean by that Alhaji" he gave her a slight smile and nodded, walked back to his chair and took a seat as four pairs of eyes stared back at him.

"I will explain it to you now, first of all what is going on in your head? Second of all what sort of upbringing is this? Third of all,don't interrupt me" he raised his hand to stop her.

"third of all it seems you sometimes forget you have two sons, why do you care less about him?Most of all your daughter? What is actually wrong with you? Was that how your parents brought you up? Why are you doing this to your own daughter? All you seem to care about is the latest high target design, the latest gold design,swiss this Swiss that, what about your children Intisaar?" he was trying so hard not to yell at her. She looked at him in shock.

"Now I understand. So this is what your brother asked you to come and tell me koh?(right?) what is wrong with the way I've raised my kids?so you expect my baby to go and be doing yar' aiki (house help) in another man's home? That will not happen, if her mother did not do it I see no reason why she should do it"

Alhaji scrunched up his face, his wife was never like this.

Hafsaa had a grin on her face, she was enjoying the feeling of being defended. A look from Yaya Sadeek made her expression change instantly.

Khalid on the other hand was in distress, he needed to get out there, he needed to be in his room, he needed it now. His whole demeanor began to change. He abruptly stood up from his chair and in two long strides he was out of the living room paying no heed to the voice calling out to him.  He locked the door to his room and brought out a nylon from his pocket, with shaky hands he untied it and sniffed.

Khalid used to be a student at NIMS University in India,he was withdrawn from the school when he was found with drugs, he came back to Nigeria and was sent to a rehabilitation center in Kaduna State. All his efforts went downhill when he came back and met his friends, he had a relapse and has refused to tell anyone, no one gives him attention, all he needed was to be Acknowledged just as his elder brother was. They wanted him to be like Yaya Sadeek but that just wasn't him, he couldn't be like him.

Khalid had a passion for cooking and wanted to study Culinary arts but wasn't allowed to, he had to look up to Yaya Sadeek.

He stopped what he was doing when he heard glass shatter, rushing down the stairs only to see his mom throwing a fit. Yaya Sadeek was trying to get his mother to calm down, Hafsaa was at a corner looking around uselessly while his Father had his head buried in his hand,his family was a mess and he needed to do something about it.

"Enough woman, that is enough"he yelled on top of his voice.

"Hafsaa" he called,

"you are grounded, you will hand me your phone, laptop, iPod and credit cards, we will go to your wardrobe together and you will do as I say.  You are to always be in the kitchen whenever Murjaah is there, you will do the cleaning of this house when ever Murjaah is doing so. You and I will go out right now and enroll you in an Islamic school" he spoke as he walked out.

All colour was drained from Hafsaa's face.

This wasn't happening, this just couldn't happen.

Assalamu alaikum people.
Wow I know too, it's been a while I've been so busy with school I haven't even had time for my phone, well here's a little something to thank you for sticking around ❤.
Say hello to the first update of the Year.🌌🌌


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