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"Im telling you Sasuke, this school is going to suck....and it's going to be so fucking despressing I just can't even with my parents "naruto complained pacing back and fourth around his room like a crazed man.

"Oh would you stop being such a negative nancy, look Naruto....just think of it as kind of a good start...or something" Sasuke mumbled as a means to calm his best friend down as he sat on naruto's bed, carefully trying not to poke himself in the eye as he applied eye liner on his left eye.

"You absolute moron!!!" He said suddenly pointing at the Raven haired " are you seriously just sitting there distractingly putting on your make up.... not helping at all in this predicament"

Sasuke stopped abruptly to look his friend dead in the eyes before saying "oh my god you're using such big words dobe are you sure you're fine"

" Fuck you" Naruto said glaring at him

" and don't you dare start with my shit, i expect you to love me the way I am and just because you're my best friend in this whole entire crap of a world doesn't give you the right to tell me what to stop doing...it's my thing you dick don't you try an take it away from me"sasuke said glaring at him

"Okay Jesus fuck, could you lower that glare of your I'm just saying" naruto said brushing him off

"Besides whats so bad about moving away anyway and don't tell me it's that you can't handle a long distance relationship with me" Naruto just rolled his eyes at him..not taking what sasuke had said seriously, he's always like this " Yeah right you wish" the blond said chuckling a little

"Sometimes I do actually"Sasuke mumbled softly to himself, thinking Naruto hadn't heard him

"what did you just say" Naruto said clearing his throat "uhh Nothing... A whole lot of nothing" Sasuke said scratching the back of his head nervously when naruto had plopped down next to him ,running his hands through his hair totally unaware of the effect he had on the raven

"okay... I guess If I had to think of a reason to stay I'd say....the packing..it's troublesome "naruto said childishly blinking to himself , sasuke watched him in adoration

'Cute' sasuke thought as he continued to stare at the blond, Naruto slowly turned his face towards his friend when he felt like he was being watched only to see that sasuke was indeed staring back at him with a sort of glint in his eyes..his own heart skipping a beat when the raven continued to look at him

'Huh..weird' naruto thought as he stared back at Sasuke

"what? Is there something on my face " Naruto finally asked, bringing sasuke back to planet earth.

The ravern quickly looked away, embarrassed at his slip up as he let out a nervous laugh "uh no..its nothing ,its just..."Sasuke said thinking of a lie.

"packing shouldn't be the reason you'd wanna stay ..that's a lame reason idiot" LIES and its a good thing naruto doesn't catch onto things too quickly.

Naruto turned over towards his friend so that he was fully facing him, crossing his feet before reaching out and taking sasuke's hand into his and squeezing it, totally catching sasuke off guard. As soon as their hands made contact, sasuke felt like he was holding his breath all over again as naruto began to speak, caressing sasukes hand as he did so...this wasn't fair

"Well it is..well part of it is actually, I mean, who doesn't dislike the thought of packing, right..but uh..what I'm trying to say is that.." naruto continued to babble on NOT being able to look his friend in the eyes

"..naruto" sasuke said softly as he finally found his voice..he didn't wanna do this now..didn't wanna acknowledge the fact that his about to lose his best friend, not really lose them but how many times have you heard about long distance friendship lasting and staying the same after years..skim, right ...and he didn't wanna lose that..not when he loved him so damn much

"...sasuke you're my best friend in the whole world and I tried to stop my family from moving and I couldn't so I...I'm just really gonna miss yo-"naruto tried to say but was rudely interrupted, they both had turned their faces away as soon as they heard naruto's mothers voice ,silently wiping away the tears they shed just now

"NARUTO YOU LITTLE SHIT, ARE YOU DONE PACKING YET " Naruto looked at sasuke before mouthing ' im sorry" before walking over to the staircase "NO MOM AND HAVE MORE RESPECT I HAVE FRIENDS OVER HERE " naruto shouted back just as sasuke pulled himself together

" OH YOU MEAN SASUKE?? .. HE'S USE TO IT, WHY PRETEND WE'RE A WELL BEHAVED FAMILY...AND WILL YOU STOP KEEPING CONVERSATION WITH YOUR MOTHER AND GET BACK TO PACKING" Naruto sighed in relief that his mother would now leave them alone before turning back to sasuke, taking a seat next to him again

" I'm sorry about that, its just that no one cares about what I think...one day they just decided to move "naruto said, Sasuke raised his hand suddenly" What is it" naruto asked softy

"oh...you said that no one cared and I want you to know I do....you have about 5℅ of my heart...the other 25℅ are for my schoolwork, 20℅ is for my parents and the remaining 30℅ for my future boyfriend...#balanced lifestyle" sasuke said winking at him as a means to lessen the tension...he never liked serious, sad naruto..he loved the happy go lucky boy he grew to love, the one who always could make him smile no matter what.

"Great...so you'll choose some guy over me do i really get only 5% of your heart, you're seriously hurting my soul with your lies and what you mean 25% for school work ..you're a genius that's gotta be a lie too" Naruto Said throwing his hand in the air

"Well for starters..of course my future boyfriend would have to have a bigger part of my heart and secondly I'm just awesome like that...I don't need to put a 100% into my work its pure talent of mine and thirdly ...pack... Your mother is quite scary when she's angry...I'll help you in an half an hour or so" Sasuke said now plopping himself down on his stomach now. The raven had taken out his camera and started filming Naruto as he angrily packed his clothes as told

"w..what are you doing" Naruto said suddenly getting shy

"its for a project "answered sasuke without a thought LIES

"Hm, what kinda project is this about...you need any help "naruto offered, glancing at his friend every five seconds or so...sasuke peeked over his camera ,shaking his head cutely

" nah, I'm suppose to video tape the most interesting person in my life" sasuke mumbled behind the camera as he continued to take pictures

"Aw Thanks sasuke" Naruto said sticking his tongue out towards him "you're welcome" Sasuke said licking his lips ,luckily Naruto didn't notice anything.

After a while Sasuke had gotten off the bed, dragging himself towards the door

"Whoa there buddy. Where do you think you're going"naruto asked sadly

' there it is again..that sad look, I hate that I make him sad' sasuke thought

"home" is all sasuke managed to say

"I thought you were gonna help me out "naruto asked though still hopeful

"I Changed my mind" said the raven , standing with his hands on his hips.

"asshole, I've got clothes for Africa.. I need you "naruto pleaded with his sad puppy eyes

" Is that code for something else. You're awfully needy today you know that "Sasuke said winking at

"n-no of course not" naruto stuttered out ..he hated it when sasuke does that...playfully insinuating things, it still pulls on the blonds heart strings sometimes and that's exactly why the raven does it

" If you say so dobe ,besides.. why would I help you when I could watch you go at it" sasuke said slumping against the door frame "You're crazy! Hell no...I hate you" naruto explained ..blushing now

" no argument there I guess i am a little crazy...anyway, I gotta swing now.. don't miss me too much...you have my number if ever you wanna talk right dobe "sasuke asked slowly leaving the room

"I will asshole!! "naruto shouted and Sasuke left.

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