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The next morning when sasuke had woken up, Itachi was in his room casually half naked, a towel barely dangling from his waist.

Sasuke sighed silently, rubbing at his eyes and when his vision was clear enough, he could finally see a petit woman hiding behind his brother ,whom he then recognised as Mindy, one of many of his brothers conquests.




"ITACHI GET YOURSELF AND YOUR WHORE THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW " sasuke shouted at the top of his lungs, less then impressed with his brother

"Would you shut the fuck up, moms in my frigging room going through god knows what of mine.. I can't let her see my indecency "sasuke just snorted

"Fuck..fine just.. Just hide in the closet as I check the hallway, now "sasuke said pointing towards his closet

itachi nodded profusely, mumbling " alright alright" as he led his lady towards the closet

"Ladies first" itachi said gesturing towards the closet before getting in himself

"THE COAST IS CLEAR" Sasuke announced and the two ran out.


Naruto on the other hand woke up to a pair of eyes starring back at him

"so??" Mishkah asked ,suggestively wiggling her eye brows

"so what..what do you want" naruto asked blinking at her

"are...are you and Sasuke over "her voice ,dripping with sadness

" We were never together to begin with, mish"Naruto said shoving his sister off of him

"I beg to differ... Okay, i'm kidding I heard the entire conversation ,actually... more like i hacked into your phone but... That doesn't matter... You and sasuke had a fight what are you gonna do about it"she asked pulling at his arm

"Mish I don't... I don't really know right now...look His coming down for the summer, that I know because i might have over heard his parents arranged it a few weeks ago but he doesn't know about it...I mean that gives me about enough time to figure out what I have to say right"naruto said prying his sister off of him

" oh..You know what I read "mishkah suddenly said out of the blue... Because she's weird like that

" That was totally random but whatever what do you read"naruto said shaking his head

"yaoi...boyxboy, I'm a bit of a fan girl of that kinda stuff " she confessed without a thought

" Are you seriously 10years old"naruto asked ,completely baffled by His younger sister

"don't dwell too long on it Broh, I just wanted you to know okay..just in case you go into my room and see things that you shouldn't have and it ends up weirding you out..so like, I'm gonna leave right now you know..to make friends and all that jazz k" And she was gone again.

A few days later and naruto was starting school already..And it was a Royal pain in the ass.

New faces all over again , god..how he wished sasuke was there with him right now

He finally arrived at school and had noticed that there were already cliques so early in the morning. He then decided he was just gonna chill in the library. So he turned on his heel, almost bumping into someone and all the person did was stare at him, although Naruto only continued staring because the girl in front of him wouldn't stop staring at him, so within a second or two, Naruto decided to break the ice

"do you got some kind of problem with me or something because you seem to be starring at me..its weird so just stop, please"naruto calmly stated

" I'm Aisha and sorry about that I was just trying to say hi so...hi there I'm aisha"she said introducing herself

"soo..you decided to stare and scare the living shit outa me instead of just introducing yourself like a normal person" naruto started slowly

" Yeah that's about it"she said now standing with her hands on her hips giving naruto a weird look

"....well" naruto said stretching out the work before continuing " it's a good thing i take to weirdness, normals just too overrated really if you ask me "

"thank you"she said giving him a smile

"it's my pleasure "naruto responded

" You're the first to talk to me as if I'm normal"Aisha quietly stated though still keeping the smile on her face

"their just jealous because you're unique"naruto said throwing in a wink too

"Haha true that ,uhm..so..What are you doing later on"she timidly asked

"nothing"Naruto replied scratching the back of his head

"where do you live then" she then asked

"Um , right there in the house next to that ugly blue one" He said pointing towards his home before he was abruptly hit in shoulders "ouch! what was that for "naruto screamed ,rubbing his sore shoulder

" My house is not ugly "she said glaring at him

"What..um I'm sorry...i had no idea we were neighbours I just moved here actually...tell you what, I'll come over around five thirty"naruto proposed

"sweet, see you then I guess... I gotta go actually..class is starting in five..don't wanna be late for class ya know " she said waving him off

"yeah me too" And they went their separate ways.

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