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Naruto pov

We finally arrived at the cinema's after a 15 minute drive, where I was then introduced to Aisha's friends

"Good..so I want you to meet naruto...he's new here and cute huh "Aisha said introducing me to her friends.

"Hey cool, nice to meet you naruto...the name's Derrick and this right here is my boyfriend, styles"Derrick Said pointing towards his boyfriend

"And I'm Scott, Aisha's boyfriend" Scott greeted me with a smile

"So where are u from naruto "Scott suddenly asked

"I um...I'm from Japan"i answered scratching the back of my head.

"Hey me too ...I actually moved here a year ago and that's when I met this hot shot right here, best thing that ever happened to me if you asked me, and uh..it must've been difficult to leave all your friends behind " styles stated

"Im uh..I'm not quite popular in the friends department.... I've actually only had one friend, we're best friends actually...and yeah,it was tough leaving him behind but he's coming in for the summer so..no biggy "i said nervously laughing to myself as I thought back to the moment I had with Sasuke before I left and all I could feel was sadness all over again and dare I say it...heartache

'it pained me and all I wanted to do was hug the shit out of him...shit, is it normal to feel this way about your guy friend' i thought as I was suddenly pushed out of my thoughts by Derick as he came in close.

"hmm..you look quite nervous there naruto aren't you...you liked him didn't you" he said, suspiciously narrowing his eyes at me "..and don't you even lie about it... i can see it in your eyes you know" he said winking at me

my eyes widened as i pushed derrick away

"d-don't be ridiculous i-it's not like that at all"I said mentally cursing myself for stuttering

"that's what they all say "styles said biting his lip whilst looking at derrick

" okay For real back the hell away from my new besty " Aisha said finally butting in

" its okay I can handle it "I mumbled

"Oh can you now "styles said raising an eyebrow at me

"naruto are you a virgin "styles asked completely out of the blue

"styles!!!" Aisha said hitting himin the shoulder

"of course I am...I'm quite old fashion really just waiting for the right one "I answered honestly

" seems reasonable, it's a smart choice i mean I waited too until styles came along" derrick said nodding his head

"I'm sorry naruto i we're...I mean-"

"open minded....I understand and I respect that "I said cutting Aisha off

"naruto are you gay" Scott asked "Uhm..why do you ask" I asked looking at him

"was just curious you know we don't care if you are...what movie are we gonna watch anyway "he asked shrugging his shoulders

" fifty shades "derrick answered firmly

"Oh my god yes!! just the movie for our little virgin "styles says excitedly

"Wha- me?...what about Aisha's"I said looking at her

"Oh boi ..don't listen to them idiot" Aisha said as she dragged me in.

         2 hours later

I walked out of the cinema room, dragging my feet behind me

"I've just been scarred for life "I whispered

"see I told you" derrick coming behind styles wrapping his arms around  his waist pulling him closer

"nrrr hmm yes"styles moaned throwing his head back the rest then turned their attention to the two.

Styles turned around in derricks embrace encircling his arms around the others neck.

Derrick then moved his hands lower cupping styles ass and lifting him up so styles could wrap his legs around derricks waist.

They then engaged in a messy make out session totally forgetting  their in public. Styles then proceeded to kiss down until he reached his lovers neck and started sucking on the flesh until it turned a colour. When he was done he licked his way up to derricks jawline "let's continue this at home"styles said unravelling himself from the other

"you done now jeez...this is seriously the last time "Aisha said pointing at the two

"you mean this happens more than once "I said in disbelieve

"yes...unfortunately" Aisha said annoyed

"guys, I'm sorry... I just love him so much is it a crime to show the world  how much "derricks said, taking hold of styles hand causing him to blush

"shit, its late "I said checking the time

"you got curfew "Scott asked and I blinked

' what does he mean do I have curfew...of course I do dumbass'

"duh..don't y0u have one too" I said in a matter of fact when scoffed laughed in my face

"I'm just messing with you of course i have curfew too " he said as he checked the time on his watch "I should probably head home myself too.... right babe"Scott said, glancing at Aisha

"you guys can go ahead, I'll just give my mom a call to come an pick me up"I said shivering a bit" you sure" Scott had asked me

"yeah lemme just phone her to make sure she's coming"I said dialling her number

Naruto : hey mom would you please pick me up

Naruto mom : of course honey lemme just finish up something I'll be there in a half an hour k



Naruto : I'm in front of promenade
 I answered calmly

Naruto mom : you're not in danger are you, you little shit

Naruto :Bingo

Naruto mom : You're the devil's spawn you know that...but I love you I guess

Naruto : that actually hurt m-

Naruto mom :shush and stay put until I get there, I'm already in the drive way I might as well come fetch you so you can thank your lucky stars.

And she hung up

"And that's how you do it " I said putting my phone away

"Did" styles said high giving me before saying again"you're evil ...but I like it "

"thanks, I guess...so I'll see you guys later then"I said and we all split ways, except for myself because my mom was my ride home

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