Bill- It was your birthday and he got you all of your favorite candy along with a card that said "will you go on a date with me ?" Inside.
Richie- literally after 2 seconds after you picked up the phone Richie said with this face 😏 "hey got stuff wanna go on a date" .
Eddie- (well during the school year you got cut by some glass during a chemistry experiment and he flips out and helped you so here's how) A couple days after the chemistry class incident he came up to you and said, "I'm glad you didn't die of an chemical reaction because you wouldn't of been able too go on a date with me,So go on a date with me?"
(Ok I am too lazy too bold and underline names rn so yea )Stan- (so this is what happened Henry kept hitting on you so Stan pretended to be your boyfriend to have him back off ) he finally asked you out on a real date after weeks of pretending to date.
Bev- She asked you out after you gave her a pep talk about not letting Greta's bullshit get to her.
Ben- He was sitting next to you in class and he passed you a note to he meet him at the library where he asked you out
Mike- ( back -track he wasn't paying attention to the things in front of him and almost ran you over )
You actually asked him out claiming that it was payback for him "almost killing you"

FanfictionThis is derected to the female readers SORRY FOR THE FUCKING LACK OF PUNCTUATION (I made this when I was kinda struggling a bit with writing and it was a good while ago)