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I could smell the ocean, the smell of it before the storm. The water was violent and the smell of salt in the air was powerful. 

But I was confused why there was that smell here when I was sitting at the table. I turned around with the rest of them to see who had spoken and froze when I felt a stern pair of eyes on me. I looked up to see eyes as green as my tail staring at me.

I felt my stomach flip as and I looked back at the crab gathering it in my hands, he wasn't going to eat it was he?

"That's exactly what I asked her, why is there a crab on the t-," James hit Oscar at the back of the head and he shut up and bowed his heads to the man. Was I meant to bow as well? I looked at them and then let my head fall to concentrating on the crab in my hands. 

"I apologise Alpha she w-,"

"Don't bow to me," He said and I looked up, was he talking to me? Oscar and James looked up confused.

"You're not wolf," he said and James stiffened beside me while Oscar laughed.

"Of course she's human,"

I felt his eyes move along me like he didn't believe Oscar and I shuddered feeling uncomfortable, James moved half in front of me to shield me.


"My father is on his way, he will talk to you,"

Oscar and I were sitting at the table and I looked at the food in front of me. James was next to me and the man they called Alpha opposite me. My crab was on my lap clinging to my clothes. I smiled, I should feed it as well.

"Do you have regimen?" I asked looking up and meeting his eyes. His stare was intense making me look away immediately.

"What the hell is regimen?" asked Oscar looking up from stuffing what they called chicken pasta into his mouth.


He spat out his pasta across at James who just glared at him.

"Or dead fish, left over meat from dead animals," I said but Oscar's face just got more pale and disgusted. 

"Thelea," James said shaking his head and I looked back down at my plate poking a piece of'pasta," I placed it in my mouth and frowned, it tasted slimy.

"You don't like the food?"

"She just eats little," said James answering for me and I kept my eyes down on the plate. I felt suddenly warmer in the room and I looked up to see my father walk in looking around till his eyes met mine. I felt James shrink away trying to hide and I didn't understand why.

"Alpha Draven," said my father turning to the man in front of me. Alpha Draven stood up shaking his head and told him to sit back down. Oscar seemed intrigued as he looked between us all, and kept spooning spoon fulls into his mouth.

"You wanted to speak to me?"

"Adrian," he said addressing my father before he looked at me, "I believe this is your daughter,"

Father looked at me before at James who seemed to cringe and I looked at James, what was wrong?

When no one answered the other Alpha continued, "I wasn't aware you had a daughter, I assumed your female company was your beta's sons mate,"

Oscar spat out his pasta again and James yelled at him to keep it in as he wiped the food off his shirt.

"I have a mate?" said Oscar looking at me.

"What's a mate?" I asked leaning over to James.

"Don't worry Theles," he said patting my knee.

"We didn't want to arise suspicion," said father. He looked angry, his jaw was tight like he was holding it in. James stood up clearing his throat and placed his hand on my shoulder, "We will leave you both to talk,"

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