A life not worth living

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My life hurts. It hurts just to be me. A blond girl age 15. My birthday is comming up but nobody to share it with. I only hang with my family because they are the only one who truley loves me.
I hate my life, my looks. I am single but nobody cares. I have been cheated on like it was nothing. Why you may ask. The truth is I dont know myself. I thought I was cool but still nice but clearly nobody like me. I am cool I thought but this world proves every day that im not.
Im just a toy that gets thrown away never to be used again. I care about anyone and I always beleve their is a way but for me their isnt just death.
I feel the pain and I want it to end but why. Why must I feel pain when its the bullies and the rude students who dont like me. Why is my life not worth living?

(sorry this one is im just dealing with a lot right now sorry. leave a comment and share with your friends case everyone should be appreciated for what they do.)

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