Epi One

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Bryice's POV:

I was awoken by a bump in the road, sending me flying in my brothers tour van, into Joe's lap. "Whoa James!" Joe shouted to the driver. "Sorry boys. Little bumpy." He replaied. "I kinda figured that!" I yelled.

My names Bryice Ellen Jonas. Yes...Jonas. I am the Jonas Brothers Sister. I'm fourteen years old with black hair, with mild waves on the bottom, ocean green eyes, and long lashes. I'm sesative, like Nick, have the humor like Joe and the serise and smartness of Kevin. People say I had the cuteness of my younger brother Franklin, or Frankie or Frank Monster, witch is what I called him, before he died at age 10.

I have three brothers, and I dont think I need to go through there info. I have low self-astem from the fame, and A.D.D. Nick has diabetes.

Back to today, lol.

Nick gave me a poptart. "Want one?" I took it. "Thanks." "No problem." I rolled my eyes, and ate it. "Uhm, you ever gonna get off my lap sis?" I had completly forgotten that I was on Joe's lap. I smiled at him. "No." He groans. I giggle.

I saw Kevin come in from the small kitchen holding two small pills and a plastic cup of water. "Is it safe James?!" It took a moment for James to answer. "Yeah!" I rolled my eyes and took my pilles for my A.D.D.

"Good girl." Joe said. "Now GET OFF ME!" He pushed me off. I stood up and brushed myself off. "Well!" I yelled. "Calm down children." Nick laughs.

"When is the next stop?" I ask.

Nick looked at his watch. "Twenty mins."

I groan. "Aw!"

Kevin laughs. "Why? Are you hungry?"

My stumic makes a whale noise. "No..." I said softly.

I heard them all laugh.

"Well since the next stops in like eighteen mins now I think you better start getting ready becouse I know girls." Said Joe.

"Why?" I say. "Becouse you are one?" I tease.

I dogged a throw pillow he had thrown at me.

I took a quick shower, strighetn my hair and put on this :


I went to my brothers. "I'm ready." "And with no time to spare. We're hear."

Me, my brothers and Big Bob walked around. "So where are we gonna eat at. I want a sit down resterant." "Me to." Nick agreed.

After fifteen mins of walking around, we picked out a fancy resteront called Owen's.

Unlike lots of clebs, we don't ask for the peole to leave. We walked in, and thank god only three girls and one boy, stangrly enough, asks for something to be sighned.

We sat down and a waiter came over smacking gum. "How may I help ya'll children?" "I'll have some water please." I say. Nick wanted coke, Kevin wanted coffee and Joe, of course, wanted c-milk.

((idk how to spell choklette or whatever))

"Hey look!" I said pointing outside. "Isn't that Vanessa Hidgens and Zac Effron?"

Kevin looked around. "Yeah. And what are they doing to that baby?"

"Go ask before they hurt her. There fighting. And V's holding her!"

We all saw Kevin run out, and Zac punched him. After a couple moments, we saw a child in Kevin's arm, him trowing his arms to James and Big Bob and they went to the car and left.

"What the fuck?" I said and Joe looked at me stern. "Enough young lady."

"Thats the frist thing I said!"


"Okay okay jeez." I mumbled and Joe's phone rang. When he answered, his face fell.


Oh no whats happening? Who's the baby? What was V and Zac doing? Why'd Kevin run off with the baby? Who'd on the phone?

Fame Or Hate? -a jonas brothers sister story-Where stories live. Discover now