Right Now

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Mommy has been moving around the house with Thalia for a while now. She wants Thalia to sleep so she can be awake when daddy comes home. But Thalia is in no mood to sleep. She wants to watch mommy and the roof instead. Mommy wonders what fun it is to watch at the grey ceiling. But only Thalia knows how much fun it is to watch the ceiling move in circle and walk on its own.

Mommy turns the t.v on and her daddy appears. Daddy and uncle are singing. It's one of Thalia's favourite. Mommy knows Thalia sleeps right away when she listens to this song. But Thalia is a rebel like her Uncle soft voice. Think the name is Oui. 

"That's your daddy and uncle in uncle Niall's hometown." mommy tells Thalia. Thalia smiles seeing her daddy. Daddy has something black in his hand. Why is daddy so dirty? doesn't daddy take a bath? Daddy has grown more hair than the last time Thalia saw daddy. Maybe mommy should give daddy a bath, like she does to Thalia.

Her favourite is uncle Ayne. Uncle Ayne has hair on his face just like daddy. But his voice is different than daddy. (song is on the side) Mommy turns off the t.v. soon.

Thalia places her hand on mommy's forehead and slides it down, closing mommy's eyes. Mommy laughs softly and so does Thalia. She loves mommy's laugh, it's so soft and sweet. Daddy's laugh scares Thalia sometimes but Uncle white hair's laugh is scary all the time. It is so loud. What did daddy say his name was? Aao? (Niall, if you didn't figure out)

It suddenly strikes Thalia. What is daddy's name? What is mommy's name? She has always tagged them as 'mommy' and 'daddy' and no one ever told her their names. It makes her snort and her snorting makes mommy laugh. Who cares what mommy's name is. She'd know it sooner or later. Right now, she likes the sound of mommy laughing. She'd do anything to hear mommy laugh.

Slowly, Thalia's eyes start to become heavy. She tries to stay awake but finally, she falls asleep when she feels her mommy's lips on her forehead.

Daddy's back home. He is sitting with Thalia in his arms. Daddy speaks to her. Thalia now understands more than she used to. She feels proud of it. Daddy bends down and kisses on her forehead making Thalia laugh. Watching her laugh makes daddy smile wide.

Thalia finds this to be a perfect moment to tell daddy that she can now try to speak. She says "addie" making her tiny teeth show and her nose crinkle. Daddy stops and stares for a while. A single tear drops from his eyes. Why is daddy crying? Is daddy in pain?

"She said daddy. She said daddy." Daddy half laughs and half whispers. Daddy is happy crying. Mommy rushes to her and daddy to look. But Thalia doesn't say anything now. Disappointed, mommy turns.

"Addie," she says again and mommy flips. Mommy is happy too. Mommy and daddy both look so happy. Mommy and daddy cheer with joy.

Daddy is sitting on a chair from where Thalia can see the sky. Mommy is gone. Where is mommy? Thalia hasn't seen mommy for three days now. There is something white in daddy's hand. She remembers daddy calling it something 'eter'. No letter, letter. Daddy is reading the letter. Daddy had promised he'd come home and read it to her. Mommy did read it once but Thalia couldn't get everything.

"I'm finally home Thalia. Daddy's finally home. Mommy's gone for a while now," daddy reads the letter slowly, "because she wants you to be proud of her as well. I know baby, I know you're sad, because Daddy's sad too."

"I know that it's hard for you for Mommy and Daddy to be away most of the time, because we want to make people happy with our music. But, not to worry my dear, Daddy's all here for you now because our tour is finally over, and I'm really happy to be with you now."

Daddy kisses Thalia's forehead. "Do you understand what I am saying?" daddy asks. Thalia stares at daddy for a while.

"addie,"  she crinkles her nose and shows off her tiny teeth. Daddy laughs aloud.  Daddy looks into the letter, then folds it. What is daddy doing? He picks Thalia up and makes her sit facing him. Daddy is very tall. Thalia has to look very up.

"Okay, so now I'm home, I can finally tell you things that I want to tell you. I want to tell you my promises for you, becuase as Thalia's daddy, I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy."

Daddy looks at Thalia and so does Thalia. She tilts her head to one side waiting for daddy to speak.

"1. I promise to work hard and always sing my heart out for you to be proud of me.

2. I promise that I'll be someone who you could trust, forever and always.

3. I promise that I will say "I love you" every single day id my life, even when you're asleep.

4. I promise that I will keep you safe and protect you."

(all rights reserved under @tryptopatz. Taken from the book 'love, daddy' chapter 6: Diana)

Daddy goes on and on. No matter how hard Thalia tries to listen to daddy, she falls asleep in his arms.

Okay, so all the names that I have changed according to how Thalia would say it are according to the American Accent and not the British Accent. Here are the pronounciations. 

Uncle Louis - Oui -ooowe/The french word for 'yes'. 

Uncle Niall - Aao because that's how it looks in the mirror when you mouth it. 

Uncle Zayn - ayne - ain in pain or payne


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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