Chapter 1

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I laughed, running a hand through my chestnut brown hair as my best friend, Zayn, tripped up the stairs as we ran to my bedroom.

"Quit being such a fucking clutz, babe. We're gonna miss it!" I said, helping him up. He took my hand, chuckling at himself which sent a jolt of electricity through my arm. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. Zayn, hopped onto my fabulous california king, turning the TV on. I plopped down next to him, sitting criss-cross applesauce.

"Hurry Zayn! He's on in like a minute!" I practically shouted at him. It wasn't my fault though. The new Justin Bieber music video was premiering on MTV today, and I wasn't about to miss it because Zayn couldn't figure out how to work the damn remote. I smacked his hand, cursing under my breath and took the remote, turning it to the correct channel with ease.

Even though Zayn would totally deny it to anyone besides me, he was a hundred percent a belieber. He was the only one out of all my friends who would actually listen to Justin's music with me - everyone else was a fucking hater, but that's besides the point - and he ended up really liking his songs.

Suddenly, I found myself staring at him, watching him look excitedly at TV screen and I felt my heart tighten a bit. I examined his perfectly chiseled jawline, and the little bit of stubble that was forming there; the way he bit down on his bottom lip, and his perfect dark brown quif, not to mention his thick, dark eyelashes that would put falsies mascara to shame. It was almost too much for a simple girl like myself to handle. He was gorgeous, like a model or a Greek god. He was my best friend in the whole entire world since I was seven years old. And though I'd deny it, just as Zayn would his infatuation with Justin Bieber, I was completely and totally head over heels in love with him.

Zayn suddenly chuckled, turning to look at me with those smoldering brown eyes. "Something on my face, love?" He asked, his thick British accent dominant in his voice. I punched his shoulder playfully, laughing it off.

"No, no. I just kind of zoned out for a bit, sorry." I smiled at him, hoping he'd fall for my explanation.

"Damn, Meg.. You're always off in la la land, aren't ya?" he winked playfully, causing my heart to completely stop for a moment and then rush into overdrive, practically beating out of my chest. God I hope he can't hear that.

"You know me to well, babe." I laughed lightly, and turned my attention back to the large television screen. I started fangirling like hell when the countdown started, and Zayn just chuckled, watching me have multiple spasms, and listening as I rambled about how much I wanted the bieberconda and such.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The music video started and I screamed my lungs out.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD ZAYN, FUCK YES!!" I yelled as loud as I could. We sat attentively, watching the entire video of 'As Long As You Love Me'. When it finished I continued screaming 'oh my fucking god, Zayn' like a hundred times. He just looked at me laughing, and shaking his head.

Suddenly my door burst open, and my mother and father rushed into my room, looking like they were anxious. They both let out a relieved sigh when they saw us sitting on the bed, watching the television.

My mother laughed and my dad just grinned, shaking his head as he walked away. "Dammit, Megan. It sounded like you and Zayner were having horny-teenage sex. I'm glad it was just another fangirl moment." I blushed scarlet red at her words, and threw a pillow at her. "MOM!" Zayn just laughed, and walked over to my mom, Giving her a huge bear hug. "Oh, come on, Angie. You know I'd never take advantage of your daughter." He chuckled and pulled back, kissing her cheek. Zayn was so close with my mom, it was insane. She was practically his second mother. Just like his mom was with me. Zayn had moved to California with his mum when he was seven, because his father had passed. My mom, Angie and his mom, Tricia, were best friends in high school, so of course she'd offered to let them move in with us. For three years Tricia and Zayn lived with us, and then they eventually bought their own house, right next door.

Since I'd met Zayn when we were seven, we've been joint at the hip. Nothing and no one ever came between the two of us.

"And anyways, I'm with Perrie now," Zayn said to my mother, who laughed, kissing his nose as she walked out of the room. My heart sank... Perrie.

Perrie Edwards. She was a blonde bombshell. Curves in all the right places, legs for days, glossy, perfect blonde hair, and her make up - or as I referred to it, "whore paint" - made her face look completely and totally flawless. She was beyond gorgeous, and since she'd moved her eight months ago, Zayn had been obsessed with her. He got up the courage to ask her out two weeks and four days ago - every minute of which broke my heart to pieces. Zayn put her up on a pedestal, and would literally do anything for her.

Naturally Perrie and I didn't get along very well.. However we put up an act around, Zayn, neither of us wanting to make it awkward for Zayn. I slumped back onto my bed, laying out on it. Zayn chuckled and laid down next to me, poking my side.

"So.. How're you and the platypus... I mean Perrie?" I asked, nonchalantly. Okay, so maybe I'd let Zayn know that I wasn't particularly fond of his girlfriend, but eh.

"We're good. She actually just texted me, wants me to come over tonight." he responded cooly, getting up. I swallowed hard, and for some strange reason I felt my eyes start to prick, and I was holding back tears. Ugh, I was such a wuss. I honestly did not want to think about what they'd be doing tonight. I shoved a fake smile on my face, and nodded, not trusting my voice.

"I'ma go now, Meg. See you tomorrow, okay, gorgeous?" I stood up and nodded.

"Okay, hun." I responded shortly, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me, hugging me gently. "Love you," he murmured and then pulled back, heading for the door.

"I love you too," I said, biting down on my lip. I continued standing, staring at the hallway as his figure retreated, until I heard the front door close, knowing he was gone.

I locked my bedroom door, and grabbed my iPod, plugging the earbuds into my ears as I stripped out of my clothes, only wearing a matching black bra and panties. I turned off the light, and crawled under the covers, turning up the volume on my iPod. I turned to the playlist Zayn and his buddies had recorded for me. He had a little band, they called themselves One Direction. They weren't famous, they'd never performed for anyone except family and friends, but they wrote their own songs, and their music was actually really good. I turned on a song, that I'd listened to more than any other. It was titled 'More Than This'. I put the song on replay, and turned up the volume all the way, blasting it in my eardrums. "When he opens his arm and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right, 'cuz I can love you more than this".

Then I let the tears fall, flowing down my cheeks - everything I've been holding in for months finally poured out. I sobbed, and sobbed.. Thinking of Zayn and Perrie, and of how much I just wished Zayn would look at me like he looks at her. Somewhere between one and two in the morning I finally passed out from shear exhaustion, falling into a dreamless, deep slumber.

AN: okay. So this was my first fanfiction ever.. It kinda sucks, but I've got a really great plot thought out already. And the stuff that she's going through all comes from personal experience, so I think I'll be able to develop the story really well. I'm sorry the first chapter was mostly for setting the scene, and stuff. It will pick up though, I promise. Gaah, thank you for reading :D comment? I'd love suggestions.

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