Chapter 7

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Author's Note: You guys are all just fantastic, okay. I'm so grateful for your support. Anyways, I'm sorry for the lack of updating. It's because school starts next Monday for me and I'm super busy. Thanks for understanding, okay I love you. X - Megan

Megan's POV -

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down a bit. It wasn't exactly calming my nerves, but eh, it was worth a shot. I ran a hand absent mindedly through my long brown locks, which were straightened out perfectly, looking shiny and sleek. Looking myself over in the mirror, I pursed my lips a bit. I had on a black string bikini, covered by a lace, white shirt, that ended around my navel, and ripped denim shorts. I had a cherry red balm on my lips, that really accentuated them.

I heard my mother calling me to come downstairs. My stomach dropped in nervous anticipation as I ran down the stairs, to see Nialler joking with my mom. I couldn't help but laugh softly at their playful banter. I gave my mother a peck on the cheek, and then took Niall by the arm and started dragging him to the front door.

"See you tomorrow, Ma, don't wait up. Love you," I shouted over my shoulder before closing the door behind us. I jumped into Niall's arms giving him a soft hug.

"I'm so nervous, Niall," I admitted, resting my chin on his shoulder. He rubbed my back soothingly, and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey, Zayn Malik may be a lot of things, but he's definitely not stupid, Meg. Don't worry about it, okay. Everyone can see you guys are meant to be," he mumbled against my hair. I pulled back a bit to look up at him, with big bright eyes.

"You're the best. You know that right?" I giggled softly, pecking his cheek.

"No, no that's you," he laughed - his perfect, signature chuckle - and then started walking towards his car parked outside my house. "Come on, let's get this show on the road. We're gonna end up bein' late."

"Aye, Aye cap'n," I saluted him before hopping into the passenger seat. He got in on the driver's side, and pulled out of my driveway, heading towards the beach. I turned on the radio, and 'The A-Team' by Ed Sheeran was on. Niall and I started singing along to it. Well, he was singing.. I sounded more like a dying walrus, but that's besides the point.

I loved listening to Niall's voice. It was much different than Zayn's, but yet just as hypnotizing. It had a quality to it that made me want to do nothing more than smile for the rest of my life. Actually, everything about Niall usually made me feel like that. I smiled, and shook my head, looking out the window.

"We're here, milady," he said, and hopped out of the car quickly, coming to my door to open it for me. I giggled as he held his hand out for me. I took it and he helped me out of the car. I curtsied, laughing like a damn fool the whole time.

"What a gentleman, thank you so much, Mister Horan," I said, and blew him a kiss.

He laughed, and winked at me. "That's just how Niall rolls. Okay, babe, I'm gonna go track down some beers, go make your move," he said, and wagged his eyebrows, then continued to walk away.

I smiled softly to myself and started walking along the sandy beach. It was pitch black except for the reflection of the moon on the water and the massive bonfire that a lot of kids were all dancing around. Someone had brought a boom box and was blasting one of Rihanna's newest hits. I was looking around for that familiar quiff, but sadly I didn't see it anywhere. I sighed, figuring that he hadn't showed up and walked to a more secluded part of the beach, not really wanting to be around anyone. I felt stupid as hell for thinking that Zayn would actually come, after everything that had happened, and I wanted nothing more than to just drive home and eat some ice cream or something. I sat down on some rocks on the shoreline and dipped my feet into the salty ocean water, looking out at the movement of the waves.

"What're you doing all by yourself, pretty lady," I heard an oh-so familiar voice come from behind me. My heart went into overdrive, practically pounding out of my chest and I whipped my head around to see the boy who meant the entire world to me. A soft, genuine smile spread across my ruby red lips, as I looked up at him.

"Ahh, I dunno.. Parties aren't really my thing. I don't know why I let Niall drag me into this."

He moved over to sit down next to me on the same rock. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. I inhaled his scent, like it was my own personal drug, and rested my head on his shoulder. I could feel his breath tickling my cheek.

"Well if your best friend asked if you'd pretty-pretty please go join the rest of the party with him, would you?"

I couldn't help but let a soft laugh escape my mouth. I nodded slowly, and chewed the side of my cheek.

"As long as he doesn't ditch me," I said sarcastically and stuck out my tongue at him. He stood up and held out a hand to me, to help me up, which I gladly accepted, rising to my feet. He mocked shock, and held up his hands in defense.

"What, me?! No. Never." I rolled my eyes, and we laughed together. His arm was slung around me as we walked back to the bonfire.

Zayn's POV -

I walked Megan back over to the bonfire with my arm around her, which wasn't anything new for us. I'd always hold her in my arms any chance I get, because I just feel really protective of her. I looked around and saw something that made my heart stop beating all together. It felt like someone had just knocked the wind out of me as I watched Perrie - my Perrie - straddling some random prick, while shoving her tongue down his throat. I felt like walking over there to pull her off of him, and then beat the living shit out of the stupid douche. She was my girlfriend, and I was supposed to be the only one to touch her like that.

I think I may have actually growled out loud because Megan looked up at me with concern and I quickly tore my gaze away from them, and looked down into her eyes, pasting a smile onto my lips. She asked me if I was alright, and I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, I'm fine, babe. I'm just glad that you're here with me, tonight... And that things are okay between us," I said, and took one of her tiny little hands into mine. I felt a jolt of electricity run though my veins at her touch, but didn't take note to it, because I'd grown used to the feeling... I got it every time our skin touched. I noticed that she was smiling up at me and had something, but I didn't really catch what it was, because my mind kept replaying the scene of my ex girlfriend practically having sex with another guy right I front of my face.

So I just bit down on my lip, and nodded. I looked over her shoulder and saw that Perrie was now sitting on the guys lap, and she was looking towards me, kind of curiously. Suddenly all I wanted was for her to hurt like I did. I wanted her to feel unneeded anymore, and unwanted. I wanted her heart to break, because she'd so effortlessly broken mine.

I knew what I was about to do would cross the line between romanticism and friendship yet again, even if friendship was all I was really interested in at that point. I knew that it was wrong, and I would be leading her on again, but I was desperate, and driven by revenge so logic didn't really matter to me. Anyways, I'd promise to do whatever it'd take to make Megan happy, and I'm sure that she wants this more than anything.

I cupped her cheek, and looked into her eyes. I could practically feel Perrie's eyes boring into us. Just loud enough so that I was sure my beautiful blonde ex could hear, I said, "Megan, I've been wanting to say this for awhile now... But I'm in love with you," and with that I crashed my lips onto hers, getting several shocked gasps from all around us.

AN: So kind of a cliffhanger, yes?! What do you guys think. I love you all, please comment. X - megan

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