Ms. Alpha

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Character descriptions:

Daphne Amelia Patil

Age: 16

She looks like: 

eyes are actually a dark carmel color

Back story: Her dad died last year and because she hasn't any siblings she is acting as alpha. She graduated early last year to help with the pack. She is supposed to have the body of a 'goddess'. 

Blake Stefan Alexander 

Age: 18

He looks like: TBA

Back story: He's alpha of another pack and he's been searching for his mate for a year going on trips each summer to find her. 

Claire Ellen Patil

Age: 33

She looks like: 

Back story: She grew up as a human ran away from home at fifteen and met her mate Matt when she was sixteen he was visiting for a couple of weeks. Soon they got together and she had Daphne when she was  seventeen. He husband died when Daphne was fifteen. She's stayed strong for the pack and Daphne. 


I got up and dressed into this I walked down stairs ate breakfast and went for a run. When I came back I was informed that our guests had arrived. "thank you sack you send them to my office?" "yes Daphne." "okay go and have some fun." I was easy on him even though he was my age. I walked to my office and said "I apologize for my tardiness gentlemen. I'm Daphne Patil Alpha of the pack." "I don't mean to be rude, but isn't a male supposed to be alpha?" "usually yes however my father is no longer with us and I don't have any male family to take over other than my uncle and his son. However being a female shouldn't affect your decisions on your stay." "of course not just simply curious." 

"well my mother shall show you to your rooms I am sure you are tired from your travels. If you are not you are free to explore the grounds." "may we know why she is acting alpha?" "there is no acting sir and she didn't have the chance to I offered immediately. I wanted to give her time to grief and get over the death I wish to leave all comments and concerns about him and the death in this room please." "of course ma'am." "thank you." They left quickly but the other man who didn't speak stayed "may I help you?" I asked "I was curious about a more personal subject." "ah." "I notice you don't have a ring on your finger." "no thank you I am flattered, but I'm not looking for a relationship nor am I wanting one." "so you haven't found your mate?" 

"no, I haven't." "I'll let you get back to your work then." "may I ask what your name is?" "blake alexander." "ah I remember now. You're the soon to be alpha of your pack. You're currently 'secretly' seeing one of your pack members and from what I've heard you are supposedly very good looking charming and arrogant." "you've been spying on me?" "No I've had others do that for me I like to know who's coming on to my land." "I'm not sure wether to be creeped out or charmed." "neither."  "now if you excuse me I have some personal business to attend to." "of course." we left my office and my mother showed him to his room and I went to the kitchen. I quickly made them lunch and gave it to one of our paid servants. I had three more alpha's coming today. 

Unfortunately I had to get the rest of the rooms ready so I let my mother have the afternoon off and got some girls to help we had to make up six rooms so I got three girls and two guys. They argued saying it was a girls job "am I hearing you correctly that this is a girls job?" "yes alpha." "so you're saying that my job is a guys job?" "no ma'am." "well then that is not a girls job there is no gender jobs here. Please do as your told." "yes ms. Alpha." we quickly got to work I finished early and my mother came in "honey your other guests have arrived." "I see I finished so your still having free time." "honey I can have free time when I'm retired." "mom you're never going to want to retire." 

"no I suppose not." I went to my office to see the other alpha and beta there. "welcome alpha luca and beta alec." "thank you for having us alpha Daphne." "it's not a problem alpha luca we shall discuss business later with the other alpha's you must be tired from your travels I shall show you to your rooms." I quick ran through the other alphas as well. When I was done I got my own free time to work on school work. I was working on school work when I heard a knock on the door. "come in." it was soon to be alpha blake "how may I help you blake?" "I was hoping for a private tour of the land." I stood up and said "please lets push away the pleasantry. What is it you really want?" 

"I like that your down to the point most alpha's just play along with the erm pleasantries. I was hoping to have a walk with you." "I suppose." we walked along the line of the forrest. He made some jokes and I laughed it felt nice to just be myself and not to be business all the time. "okay I have to know. Why did you want me to walk with you?" "I wanted to talk to you about relationships." "oh no."  "I know you said your not looking for one nor are you wanting one, but what about mates? would you make an exception for him?" "maybe for him, but I doubt I'm going to meet him anytime soon." "what if he was right under your nose?" "what are you saying blake?" "what if he was me?"

"I don't know blake I have a lot going on right now I'm still figuring things out about my dad and this job and I'm not ready to give that up just yet. Plus I have other things going on." "like what I'm going to be an alpha and I don't nearly have that many things going on." "I have online school and I'm still grieving in private and I have other jobs within the pack." "what about your mom can't she do some of those jobs." "no I want to make sure she's okay before giving more jobs." "it's been a year." "they were mates blake you don't just get over that in a few months it's constantly getting over it plus having me as a reminder and the pack." "sometimes jobs can help them forget about it." "I don't want her to forget I just want her to move on in the same way others do." "no one will get over a loss like that they can only move on with their life and hope to busy themselves in a way that will forget the pain and suffering." 

"i guess your right." "after the meeting can we at least try this?" "I'll think about it blake." I saw someone run up "alpha you other guests have arrived." "thank you josh go ahead I'll be there in a minute." he ran off "I have to go." "I understand." I walked towards my office and told them the same thing that I told the other alphas. after showing them to their rooms I made dinner and talked to my mom about taking up a few more jobs. She was excited and asked "what changed your mind sweetie?"  "I met my mate." "honey that's great who is it?" "it's blake." "awww he's cute." "yeah I just don't know if i can do it. I mean I have my alpha position and my schooling." she cut me short. "honey with mates everything has a way of balancing things out you soon have a husband and a family trust me when I say you'll find a way to balance anything you need." 

"thank you mom however we are waiting to try it out after the meeting." "thats a good idea wouldn't want to show favoritism." i laughed "well I should get them." she nodded I knocked on the doors and told them dinner was ready. Blake was the last room "will you be joining us alpha?" he asked "um no I have other business to attend to." "can I see you tonight?" "sure I'll be in my study." I walked away and when I got in my study I did school work for three hours. I ate quickly then went back to work. An hour later blake came in unannounced "you're supposed to knock." i said "sorry I just figured since it's a more personal meeting it wasn't necessary." "I have one more thing." 

"what are you working on?" "english." "I've always hated that subject." "yes it's not the best subject , but I have to get it done." after I finished I said "okay I'm done with that for now." "would it be to much to ask for a kiss." he asked "well considering we just met this morning yes." "right sorry. want to go for a run?" "I don't run at night." "well theres a first time for everything." "how about just a walk in human form." "sure." we walked through the forrest and joked around. When it was around ten I said "we should probably get inside." "okay." We left and I went to sleep. 

Ms. AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now