Falling to Deaf Ears

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Clearly, no one understands the term personal space. Not even 'Tasha. I mean, how hard is it to follow such a small need? I make sure everyone is okay. I don't go up to her and touch her stuff. Well, most of the time.

Maybe Captain Spangles knows what's up.

"Hey Steve, have you seen my Batman comic? It's a limited edition and its valuable to me," Steve looks at me like I just talked to him in a foreign language. Fuck. This isn't gunna work.

He gathers himself. "I haven't. But I can ask around if you'd like."

"Make sure your 40's boyfriend didn't touch it, or he wouldn't have arms," the last fiasco with that douche was enough.

Steve blushed lightly and opened his mouth to protest, but no noise came out. He finally managed to say, "I'll make sure."

"Good." It was going to be a long day.

Hours. That's all it takes. Really. Hours of searching, asking around, even asking the damned AI that Tony built for god-knows-what. And in a sick British voice, it replied with a simple "no". There goes my limited edition comic.

I feel like punching a goddamn wall. A noise peaks my curiosity and small inner rage. Loki turns into the kitchen area and walking to the pantry. He almost looks smug. Almost. I hide behind the tall counter to watch my old boss's every move. He rustles around the pantry, grabs a pack of Oreo's, grabs a milk carton from the fridge, a small mug with the words "The Incredible Hulk" on it and sits down on a stool by the kitchen island. I continue watching from behind.

I overhear Loki starting to mumble. "The Hawk has yet to question me. What a fool. What is that phrase Midgardians say? Oh, yes. He 'falls to deaf ears'." I see him take a book out of his oversized jacket.

The light hits it at a too-perfect angle.

"LOKI LAUFEYSON! IT WAS YOU!" Everything was too quick, funny how that rings a bell. A hand waves, green shit appear, I freeze midair. Just a normal day at Avengers Tower.

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