Bed Rest (Elder Maxson x F!SS)

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"(Y/n), you're sick" Cade says eyeing my paler skin, "And we're running low on supplies, so I'm going to issue bed rest."
"No, Cade, I'm fine" I say sniffling, trying to hold off a sneeze to prove a point.
"I advise you follow my advice, although there's nothing I can do to stop you if you don't" he typed away at his terminal.
"Good" I croaked and left his room.

"You're not looking too good (Y/n)" Proctor Teagan smirks.
"You don't look too good yourself" I snap back.
He chuckles
"Just give me as many shotgun shells I can buy with two hundred caps" I grin.
He gave me the shells and took the caps.
"Hey, take care of yourself, I don't want to lose my best customer" he says as I turn away.
I give him a little wave and head off.

At this point my head was starting to pound, and I dizzily walk up to where Elder Maxson was standing. He turns from looking out at the common wealth when he hears my foot falls.
"Is something the matter, Knight?" He asks peering into my eyes noticing my slight swaying and pale skin.
"I was just wondering if..." I collapse half way through asking if he had any work for me and lose consciousness.

(Maxson's point of view)

My eyes softened as soon as I saw her. Knight (Y/n) (L/n), a woman who had caught my eye countless times with her bravery and success. It was when she was fixing another Knight's power armour that I realised I was in love with her, unfortunately she was completely oblivious.

When she walked into the room I noticed something odd with her, she was pale, sweating and also swaying on her feet.
"Is something the matter, Knight?" I ask trying to look into her eyes as if that would tell me what was wrong with her.
"I was just wondering if..." she slurs falling forwards.
I act quickly, catching her in my arms. For a moment I stand with her slumped in my arms, unsure of what to do and trying to form a plan in my mind: I am going to lay her down on my bed and then go fetch Cade.

(Time Skip)
(Your point of view)

I wake myself up by coughing, sending a spike of pain through my chest and making me sit up.
"There's water on the table next to you" a voice said somewhere in the room.
I turn and sure enough a glass of water sat there, I take it gratefully and down it. After putting back beside me I observe my surroundings: I was on someone's bed, not mine because mine is not as big as this and this isn't a shared sleeping area. I sniffled, and look in the direction the voice had come from.
"Oh, Hey there Elder Maxson" I say yawning slightly seeing him leaning on the doorway.
"(Y/n)" he sighs when I start coughing again.
"I'm fine, I'm fine" I take a deep breath and go to rise from the bed.
"Don't you dare leave that bed, that's an order" he says sternly.
"Umm, I've got to-" I try.
"You don't have to do anything" he interrupts me.
I sit, silenced at his words.

He stepped into the room and stood at the end of his bed.
"Why didn't you listen to Cade?" He asks carefully.
"I just wanted to be useful" I say looking down, slightly blushing.
"You can't, not if you don't take care of yourself" he sits down.
I sneezed.
"I'm fine" I say stubbornly.
"If you're not going to take care of yourself, I'll have to" he stares at my face.
I instantly went red.
"Why do you care?" I whisper holding back another sneeze.
"I-I, need you to be in peak condition to sort out a mission I have for you" he lies.
"Oh" I say and sneezed.
"I'll go get some medicine" he walks out the room.

(Maxson's point of view)

I had given (Y/n) some medicine, about an hour ago, but it made her loopy.

"Arthur" She called out to me.
"What is it (Y/n)?" I answer looking up from my desk.
"The sky is so grey" she says looking up.
"That's just part of the Prydwen, not the sky" I sigh, continuing with my work.

"Hey, You" (Y/n) threw a pillow in my direction.
"Are you serious, (Y/n)?" I get up and place the pillow back on the bed.
"I just wanna tell you something" she muttered.
"What is it?" I sit down next to her.
"You know Arthur Maxson?" She asks deadly serious.
"Yes I've heard of him" I humour her.
"I love him so much" she leans over and whispers in my ear, "But don't tell him."
She loves me?
"Go to sleep, (Y/n)" I push her lightly back into the sheets.
I never realised she had feelings for me, I should confess my own feelings to her, but later, when she's thinking clearly.
I moved a strand of hair away from her face as she slept.

(Time Skip)
(Your point of view)

I woke up, coughing loudly. I look to the side and see the empty glass of water.
Something tapped my shoulder. I looked up to see Elder Maxson holding a glass of water towards me, concern clear on all his features.
"Thanks" I gasp after downing the glass, and setting next to the other empty one.
He nodded in your direction and started going back to his desk.
"Actually, Elder, can you just help me up my legs are numb" I ask.
"Yeah" he turned around.
"I just need to go to the bathroom" I say in explanation as he lifts you up easily.

"(Y/n), I need you to talk about something" Maxson says as I sit back down on the bed.
"You're going to let me leave this bed?" I ask hopefully.
"Not until you're better, and it's about something else actually" he smirks.
"Oh, okay" I wait for him to continue.
"I know you like me" he says blatantly.
"Umm" I turn bright red.
"It's okay, I like you too" he comes to sit next to you.
"Oh" I say shocked.
Somehow I turn even redder.
He leans down to kiss my lips, but I shoot a hand in between us.
"I don't want you to get sick" I whisper in explanation.
He nods in understanding, and kissed my cheek softly. His beard tickles my skin slightly as he lingered there.
"Get some sleep, I'll go get your medicine" he softly mumbles.
I hum, and lay back on his pillow.

(Maxson's point of view)

"Arthur" (Y/n) calls from my bed.
"What is it (Y/n)?" I smile as I gaze at her.
"There's an ice cube on my brain" she's holding her head.
"Are you cold?" I ask carefully.
"There's ice cubes everywhere" she rubs her arms with her hands.
I look at the clock and see that it was pretty late. So I walk over to the bed and lay down next to her.
"Let's go to sleep" I say wrapping an arm around her waist.
"Wait a minute" she starts.
I wait for her to continue.
She doesn't.
"What's the matter" I ask.
"Nothing" she lays down.
"I love you (Y/n)" I say kissing her cheek.
"I love me too" She mumbles falling asleep and I chuckle.

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