~Chapter 2~

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-Y/n POV-

"Hey (Y/n), aren't you cold?" Lucas asked concerned
"Yeah it is kinda winter." Mike said
"Well yeah, but I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
"But you're sick (y/n), the cold will make you more sick than you already are." Mike said
"Yeah yeah yeah I don't care." I say rolling my eyes
"Yeah but we don't want you getting sick!" Dustin said as I get flustered
"Y-yeah f-fine o-okay..." I say stuttering. Stupid. Why. Did. I. Stutter. And. Get. Flustered.?
"Here put my jacket on (y/n)." Dustin said
"W-what?" I stuttered out as he put his jacket on me, I swear I couldn't be any redder but I was wrong, Dustin put his hat on my head, and at that moment I knew I was redder than a tomato 🍅, if that's even possible.
~timeskip because I'm lazy and idk what to put in between that area~

Walking home. Not very fun. When you have seen that thing. Not fun. I was walking on Mirkwood very paranoid. I keep looking around but still there's nothing. "Ahhh! Ugh ow shit." Great I tripped stupid pot holes in the road(sorry but the road I live on is very pot holey). But this time I was bleeding. Well I don't have a band aid on me so gotta live with it. I was getting up when I heard a snap. Shit. I put my head up as I see the thing. Shit. No choice but to run. Luckily Dustin's house is the closest to here but still a long way. I run and run and run and this thing is getting closer shit shit shit shit. I scream "HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MEEE!!!!" No one, absolutely no one was near me. But hey why not scream right before my inanimate death, right?

Something grabs my foot and well shit it feels disgusting. It trips me and I hit my head on the road.

I can see black dot in the sides of my vision. Then. Black. All I can see is black.
-third person POV-
The Demgorgon trips (y/n) and she hits her head on the road, hard enough to knock her out. It reaches to grab her but it suddenly stops....I turns around and starts running to the upside-down.

-timeskip because you're knocked out-

-Dustin's POV-
I call Steve's house to see if (y/n) wanted to come over to Mike's house with us to play D&D.
"Come on, come on, come on. Pick up."
"Hey you've reached the Harrington's, leave your name and number. We aren't here right now, please call back later."
"Well shit. Guess I have to go over there and see if she's there."
As I'm riding my bike to (y/n)'s house I see something on the road. It looks like a person. I ride over and ITS (Y/N)!
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. What is she doing on the road, passed out?"
I lift her up and see that she's covered in blood. WTF WHY IS SHE COVERED IN BLOOD!?
"Oh my god, (y/n) what did you do?!"
She has scrapes, cuts and scratches all over her. I guess I'll take her to Mike's house.
I finnally reach Mike's house and I go in through the basement door. "Hey guys make room for (y/n)!"
"Look, I don't know. I found her in the side of the road like this."
"Yeah, I did, now Mike go get the first aid kit."
"Okay" Mike said worried
I layer her on the couch and went in the bathroom and got a washcloth to get all of the dried blood of her. I walk back in and Mikes sitting on the couch waiting for me to clean her off. I wipe off some of the blood and dirt that's dried on her and you can hardly even see her skin. I clean her all of, with like 5 washcloths full of dirt and blood. I come back in the room and I see Mike putting Neosporin and Band-Aids on her cuts, scratches and scrapes. After she's covered in band aids, we try to wake her up. After like twenty minutes of silence she wakes up, finnally.
"Oh my god, (y/n) are you alright?" I ask as she puts her head up. She turns to me wide eyed..." OH MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"What are you talking about (yn)? We should be asking you that." Mike said
"Yeah (y/n), what happened to you?" Lucas asks
"Well....ummm....the last thing I remember is...oh my god." She looks at me wide eyed, again wtf.
"What's wrong?" I ask worried
"Well this thing was chasing me and it grabbed me and I fell and blacked out, that's the last thing I remember."

Hey beautiful I finnally finished the chapter!!! Is it lit like I said??? (Prbly not)🔥🔥🔥 well I don't have school tomorrow because of the wonderful snow in Ohio. So imma drop another lit chapter tomorrow so better wait for it because it'll be super lit (wtf that's really cringy)🔥🔥🔥

901 words

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