Part 1

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After his wife left him, Alfred has been living at Kao and Howaito's home as a roommate. Kao has offered his bed many times to the shiba since he moved in but Alfred knew he will just try to sneak in and cuddle. The couch didn't hurt his back anyway. He woke up around 6am after a dreamless night of sleep. He wore dark grey sweats and a My Chemical Romance band shirt. Today was a good day since he requested the day off to relax. Another day away from Mystery. Unless of course, he broke into Kao's home. Alfred brewed some coffee as Howaito walked past, saying a quick good morning before going out. "Probably going to his girlfriends'," Alfred though at he sipped his coffee and made breakfast. A couple hours later, Kao appears, wearing a pink shirt and grey shorts; he hugs Alfred as he says good morning. Alfred hates being touched but he did not want to be a jerk to one of his few friends. "Morning," he said, "Did you also get the day off, Kao?". Kao grabbed some milk from the fridge and said "Yep. Why else did you think I slept in?" he giggled.

"Heh, well I'm gonna play some games," Alfred replied as he got up and went to the living room. He turned on the n64 and started to play Star Fox. Kao chilled in the kitchen for a bit, until he decided to spy on Alfred. He snuck behind the couch and watched him (like a creeper). At the end of a mission, Alfred chuckled and turned around; "Kao you can watch me play if you want, ya know." causing the goat to blush madly. He sat next to Alfred and watched him fight the final boss. After the game ends, Kao asks Alfred if he wants to read manga. Alfred agreed and they went into Kao's room. Upon entering, Alfred felt nervous. He knew how Kao felt about him and hoped it was not a trap. He was not the only one who was nervous; Kao still had feelings for the shiba but knew that Alfred possibly did not feel the same. Kao internally debated trying to be assertive, but was worried on how Alfred would react. He knew the horrors that Mystery had put him though. He would drop some hints, he decided, but he will try not to force Alfred to do anything he is not comfortable with.

They chose their manga and sat on Kao's bed. Kao chose one of his scarier manga so he can have an excuse to snuggle. As the day progress, it started to rain. Kao reached the scary part in his story and started to scooch close to Alfred. Alfred pretended not to notice, as he continued reading. He felt Kao tremble in fear and looked over to see what he is reading. The shiba asked if he was ok, and the poor goat just trembled like a leaf. Alfred paused, then gave Kao a hug. "There, there," he said, as if comforting a child. Alfred felt guilt stab him. This was how his son, Shia, trembled when he woke up at night because of a nightmare. He would come to his room and see his son terrified; Alfred would hug him and sometimes read a story to calm Shia's nerves. After that, he would wait and watch over him until he slept. His daughter, Shai, also used to do that until she said she was 'too old to be treated like a baby'.

As his memories flooded him, little did he know, that he held on to Kao for a while, and now Kao struggled to free himself. "O-oh Kao I'm sorry!" Alfred gasped as he let go. Kao was blushing but replied "It's alright, Al,". Alfred got up to leave, but Kao grabbed his paw. "You can stay, Al. I'm not mad...". Alfred hesitantly came back and sat next to Kao. He browsed the news on his cell when he felt the goat lean on him. He fell asleep?! Kao felt relaxed when he was alone with Alfred, and he felt drowsy. Alfred felt more awkward. He did not want to move, since he would wake up his friend, but felt strange for staying. Eventually, the sound of the rain and the softness of Kao's bed was too much for the shiba. He slunk down until he was lying, and even forgot Kao was there at one point. He drifted into slumber alongside the little goat.

A couple hours later, Kao awakens with Alfred asleep next to him. He loved seeing the shiba in a calm state like this. He hugged him close and whispered "I love you" as he snuggled with Alfred. Surprisingly, Alfred has not stirred and Kao pondered whether or not he should try something. If Al woke up, he may freak out. But Kao knew that this may be his last opportunity to try this. He scooched up until he was face to face with Al and carefully kissed him.

Al has always had trouble sleeping. But for some reason, sleeping in a bed again after two months of the couch had made sleep more enjoyable. He kept his eyes closed when he felt someone's arms wrap around him. At first he thought Mystery was doing it, but realized how soft and gentle the touch was. Even if he tried, Mystery was always rough and managed to hurt Alfred during their 'encounters'. So that left one other possibility... He tried to stay calm but almost jolted when he felt Kao's lips press against his. He felt like he was between a rock and a hard place. He did not want to lose his friend yet he did not have feelings for him? Before he can think of anything, Kao laid back down and slept, arms wrapped around Alfred's. When Al was sure that he was asleep, he wormed out of the embrace and walked to the kitchen. It was almost midnight and the rain kept pouring. "I don't think Howaito is back," he said to himself as he poured a drink.

Kao woke up once again to an empty bed. He felt sad yet content. On one hand, even if it was for one night, he was able to hug and kiss Alfred. But waking up to this empty bed meant Al probably did not feel that way. He looks at the time and decides to try to sleep again.

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