Aaron Carpenter

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Sup fluffernuffers? Here is an Aaron Carpenter Imagine. Enjoy!



I walked down the hallway keeping to myself. Today has been complete crap. I literally hate everyone in my grade except for my best friend. And can you guess who didn't show up to school today? Yep. My best friend Aaron.

This week is going to be completely hectic. It is homecoming week. That means spirit week. Today is cartoon day and we were going to dress up like Mickey and Minnie mouse. But Aaron is suddenly MIA. And the fact that it is Monday doesn't help.

I walked up to my locker and put in the combo. I went to put my book away, but a puzzle piece fell out of my locker. I picked it up and read it with confusion. It had part of a word on it that I couldn't make out.

I finally saw Aaron at lunch. He must have came in late. I think he was avoiding me? It's not like him to do that.

The rest of the day random puzzle pieces fell out if my books or were taped to my locker. Someone even slid one to me under the stall in the girls bathroom. I started to piece them together after my math class. I couldn't read all the words, because there were still four missing pieces.

I went on to my next class, English. Aaron was in the class after English with me so maybe I could talk to him. I don't think I did anything to make him mad. I cannot stand it when we fight. Why is he avoiding me? I got a hurt feeling at the thought of him not liking me, or wanting to be my friend, or all the worst possibilities I could come up with.

I had gotten three more pieces to the puzzle that class period, but I had left my puzzle in my locker. The clock seemed to get stuck on the very last minute of that class and it kept dragging on. When the bell finally did ring, I was the first one out darting across the room.

I got to my locker and opened it. I quickly pulled out the puzzle and tried to fit them all together. There was one last piece missing. I groaned in frustration and turned around, still looking at the puzzle. I then realized it was upside down. I read the words and gasped, while I looked up.


It was hard to avoid Kimberly all day. She looked so cute in her Minnie mouse costume. I felt bad for just leaving her hanging like I did. But I knew she would be happy in the end.

She finally turned around, still trying to figure out the puzzle I had put together for her. She flipped it around and finally got the message. She looked me dead in the eye as I held out the last piece to the puzzle.

I took a step forward waiting to see her reaction. The puzzle had read,

'Life's a puzzle and you're the missing piece, will you be my girlfriend?'

I handed her the last part asking her to be my girlfriend. I looked at her with pleading eyes hoping she would say yes. She ran up to me and did something I never expected her to do in a million years.

Kimberly wrapped her arms around me and crashed her lips onto mine. Butterflies were set off in my stomach. I melted into the kiss, one I have been waiting for for a long time. A series of awh's erupted from the people around us in the hallway.

"I would be honored to be your girlfriend Aaron." she replied breathlessly

"I have waited forever for you to say those words Kimberly. I have liked you for almost two years now. And now you are mine." I smiled at the thought of being able to call Kimberly my girlfriend.

I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her one last time before intertwining our fingers and leading her to our last class of the day.


And that's it!!

I will be posting how you can request on the first imagine soon.

Stay cloudy my little fluffernuffers😘☁

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