Taylor Caniff

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Hey guys! this is dedicated to @Emblem3_Megan


Fighting. That's all Taylor and I have been doing lately.  He comes home late and starts complainging about things that are silly and uncalled for.  We have drifted apart and I feel like our relationship is one sided.  The door slammed shut and I knew he was home. 

"Taylor! How was your day babe?" I asked when he walked into our shared room. I wanted to be cheery and hopefully we wouldn't fight.  I stood up on my tippy toes to give him a kiss, but was interupted when he said, "What the hell?" 

"Um, is something wrong babe?" I asked.

"Megan, where is all the stuff that I had in the corner earlier?"

"Oh, I cleaned up the apartment. I washed a bunch of those clothes from your tour." I told him. I knew this was leading to a fight.

"Megan, I put that stuff there for a reason. Why would you touch my stuff! Now I have no idea where all my things are! Are you stupid? What's wrong with you?!" Taylor yelled. 

"Taylor! Stop yelling at me! I cleaned up because this place was a mess! You would know where everything was if you would clean up after yourself once in a while. " I told him.  I yelled the first part but I calmed down not wanting to fight even though we already were.

"Well maybe you should stop touching my stuff!" He shouted.

"Why do you yell at me so much? I try to be the best girlfriend for you! I clean the house, I don't ask you where you are all these nights away from me! I don't get jealous when fans throw themselves at you! Why do you always yell at me? I give you all the fucking love in the world and maybe if you appreciated me we would be happier!" I yelled. I really cannot stand him right now. 

"Maybe if you weren't such a bitch all the time, I wouldn't have to yell at you! Because that's all you have been doing lately, bitching. Don't be such a BITCH!!" He screamed at me. 

I felt the tears well up in my  eyes and I didn't know what to say.  He really thought I was a bitch?  We fight a lot, and Taylor has said a lot of things to me that hurt my feelings, but he has never called me a bitch. And I wish he never did because it certainly hurt like a bitch.  

Still enraged Taylor went to walk out the door, but not before violently shoving me with his shoulder on the way out.  This caused me to stumble backwards and fall with a loud thump and bang my head on the corner of our dresser. I landed on my tail bone and it stung.  I let out a small shreik of pain from the throbbing in my butt and head. I started to cry and tried not to scream because of the pain in my head.  But when I went to stand up, the pain in my bum and head was overbarring and I let out a small but loud yelp.

This must have gotten Taylor's attention because he was immeadately up the stairs and into our room.  The look of worry engrosed his face.  Taylor went to comfort me but I winced away scared of him.  He had never hurt me. Ever.

"Megan, did I do this?" He asked as I contnued to silently cry. All I could do was lightly shake my head yes before crawling onto the bed.  The guilty look in his eyes let me know that he knew he messed up this time.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to push you like that. Are you okay? Megan please forgive me." Tay begged. The bed dipped beside me indicating that he had layed down next to me. 

"Babe please talk to me. Where does it hurt?" He asked softly.

"My head and butt." I whimpered.  Taylor cuddled up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I am so sorry Megan. I have been an ass lately and I shouldn't have started all those fights like I did. You deserve better and I am going to do whatever I have to do to make it up to you.  I am sorry for everything I have said to you baby, I love you so much and want you to know that." 

"Do you really think I am a bitch?" I asked barely whispering.

"Of course not! I didn't mean that, you are perfect Megan. I love you."

All I could do was cuddle into his warm chest and fall asleep. Taylor was not forgiven, but we could sort that stuff out later.  Right now I wanted to fall asleep in the arms of the man I love.  It may be a strange, twisted, hurt love, but it was still love.


That is it! Hope you like it Megan :)

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