Let's Stick Together To the End

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Serena grabs onto Ash's arm. He wiggles out of her grip. He notices that you left a while ago.

You were on your bed, looking at a bite you got. They looked like something poisonous bite you. You sprayed some medicine on it and wrapped a bandage around it. You limp downstairs. You see that everyone was admiring Ash's new Houndoom, mega stone, and key stone. Your vision goes blurry, you can't feel your leg. You collapse on the ground. Ash sees you and runs to you.

You wake up and your very weak. Ash, Clement, and Bonnie were by you. "(Y/N)! Your awake!" Bonnie shouts, giving me a hug. You hug her back. "How long have I been unconscious?" You ask them. "Almost an entire 24 hours." Ash tells you. You hug her closer. "What happened?" You ask them. "You were bit by a seviper." Clement tells me. You try to sit up. "W-where's Serena?" You ask. "She didn't want to come." Bonnie explained to you. You hug her tighter. "We thought that we'd...that we'd." Bonnie starts crying. "What did I tell you when I first got injured? That nothin', and I mean nothin', will keep me down. Not now, nor' ever." You tell her.

Ash grabs your hand. You notice and he blushes. You yawn and fall asleep on his shoulder. "Aww. Ash, do you like (Y/N)?" Bonnie teased him. "I...uhh." He blushed. "He does!" Bonnie teased. "It's not like my Houndoom and pikachu are in love with her pikachu and Absol." He replied.

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