Sweet Dreams

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"Babe please come to bed already!" you whined for about the eighth time to your husband, Ian. He had been busy these past few days with work and you hated seeing him so stressed out. "Y/N I'm almost done, give me like five more minutes." "Okay fine!" you sighed, laying in bed waiting for your husband to come and join you. Eventually, the five minutes had passed and he finally got into bed, grabbing you and pulling you close. You could feel how tense he was. "Ian, you're so tense. Are you ok?" He sighed "Work has just been stressing me out a lot lately." You frowned, hated seeing him like this. Ian noticed this and comforted you "Y/N, it's ok. I have you and that's all I need, you make my stressful days so much better. The minute I see your name pop up on my phone or when I come home and see you all of my stress just goes away," he said kissing you. You smiled, kissing him back. "I love you so much Y/N," You hummed in response "I love you more Ian." "There's no way
Y/N, you're my entire world. I'm so glad we met, I'm so glad I got the courage to ask you out, and I'm so lucky I got to be able to marry you. You smiled to yourself remembering those past memories. The memories played in your head as you started drifting off to sleep. Ian kissed your forehead and started rubbing your back. "I love you Y/N, sweet dreams." You smiled to yourself and fell asleep in the love of your life's arms, one of your favorite places to be.

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