In less than a day, the entire area around this one house had gotten a letter in their mail. The owner was the first one the house has had in years, not usually the type that people would pick to live in.
The message was in a pure white envelope with a black ribbon tied into a neat bow. The letter itself had an off-white paper inside of it, this is what it read....
Hello citizens that may be reading this paper! In about a week or sooner I will be hosting an annual horror party, I love to do these very much! I may be new to this cul-de-sac but I know how to hold a good party. We will have tons of fun and I will introduce myself a lot more! If you are interested in joining on in this fun we will be having just fill this small form right here, that is what they call it, right?!_________________________________
·What are you like usually?
·What do you look like and what will you be wearing?
·What are your likes?
·What are your dislikes?
·What is one thing you are good at?
·What is one thing you are bad at?
·What are you scared of?
__________________________________And anything else you would like to add just add it, it would be helpful to know more about you personally!
Now it may seem strange, this form, but I have a very fun game I would like to test out on this day. I would need this information to set certain things up and just so I can get to know you! Do not worry for I am quite the artist so there will be very realistic props, as well as my family of few actors and make-up artists. Just be warned there will be somewhat graphic items and visuals be aware of that and do not come if you are squeamish or any of the sorts.
The address is 8392 Greenlake Street Drive, or just the house at the end of the cul-de-sac! I would be very flattered if some would attend, if you do not, have fun sleeping in your house.
The attire for this event is formal wear, the type you would see in those movies, or whatever you consider fancy or formal. Nothing is required to bring expect yourself and a possible snack or two but I shall be providing foods for some. For allergies of course.
Note that R.S.V.P is required for this. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I will accept only letters about this information and also any questions. No E-Mails or whatever those are. our address is to be put in as well so I can deliver and answer the questions you hold. If you do attend then the event starts at seven in the evening. I hope to see you here, cannot wait for the fun everyone will have!
Madam and or Mister Evelynn
_________________The question is, will you attend?

Mystery House
Mystery / ThrillerMany people here in this cul-de-sac have received letters to attend a "horror party". It seems strange at first but many people end up going anyways. The host seems strange and even adnormal. The horror game they're planning though remains a mystery...