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We saw Cheng and his crew on the other side of the hall. We stopped in our tracks, but when we where gonna turn around before they could see us it was already to late. They looked straight at us and smirked. I was trying to avoid making eye contaked with anyone, but I accidentally made eye contacted with Cheng. It send chills down my spine, I just grabbed both of there arm's and drag them down a hall that was close by which happened to be where art class is.

Time skip after school

Dre, Luca, and I walked home from school. When we got home we headed to my room I digged through my closest to find clothes to go confront well they don't know that I'm going to do that "you guys mind heading to the park I'll be there when I finished cleaning and putting the rest of my Clothes in place" "yeah sure" "be careful when you head there ok" "ok luca" I kept on searching through the boxes of clothes that where out and found this

 When we got home we headed to my room I digged through my closest to find clothes to go confront well they don't know that I'm going to do that "you guys mind heading to the park I'll be there when I finished cleaning and putting the rest of my C...

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When I was done changing I walked out of the house to the the dojo where he and his friends train

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When I was done changing I walked out of the house to the the dojo where he and his friends train. I walked in quietly and stood at one corner, I made eye contact with Cheng again his teacher walked up to him then he turned around in my direction. I walked slowly out of my corner from where I was standing, "there's no girls aloud"he spoke in broken English " I didn't come here to join the do no I'm here to talk to one of your students Cheng" I spoke in a gentle voice " ok just make it quick" I just smiled and walked out the door and waited for him outside. As he stepped outside I grabbed him from his shirt and slammed him on the wall, I heard heared him groan in pain. I got up to his face and said "leave Dre alone" he just stayed quiet "or else" he just smirked "or else what princess" "I'll teach you a lesson way worse then I did at the park" I pushed him ruffly st the wall that he collapsed to the floor, I guess the others heard cuz they came running outside with horrified faces seeing the he was on the ground, I just looked at them with a blank face then smirked and walked away.
Well that took long.
Sry for making you guys wait I'll try and wright faster.
And let me know what you guys think.

Karate kid (2010) Cheng x readerWhere stories live. Discover now