Peaceful sunday morning.

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I'm new in town. I was lost, in oh so many ways because I didn't know nothing about this new town I decided to live in. My name is (Y/N) and I'm twenty-one years old. I recently just moved out of my parents house, which made me much more anxious then i already am. It wasn't my idea to move out, it's more of my parents idea. You see, I wasn't really the type to go out and spend time getting wasted and smoking, or going to parties. I was more of a person staying inside my own room doing nothing important the whole entire day. I'm not used to people. Funny fact, I was home schooled. I've never been out there, falling in love, doing dumb things, and just making friends. My only friend is my books, which helps me go through the days. I love books, well,, I love studying. The only thing my parents admired about me is that I was smart. Smarter then I'm supposed to be at this age. They told me I could be the next Einstein. But that was just too rubbish.
Nobody's smarter or wiser then him.
At least... that's what I thought.

It was a Sunday beautiful morning. I was so exhausted from last nights late night packing, that I might've passed out while I was unpacking.
It was 10:35am when I jerked awake by the sun light hovering over my eyes. I groaned. This, I'm not used to. But the most scary part is that I'm all alone, without nobody bothering me or jerking me awake. Just like my mother would do to me every morning.
Finally, I decided to get up and get dressed, due to the fact that i was just in my panties and bra. I put on my plain white shirt with a little rose print over my semi-big chest. Another thing I hate about myself. My chest was big, and maybe some girls would love that. But for me? I find it annoying. Heavy. Irritating.
After I slide on my blue jeans, I decided to put on my shoes and go to the store close to the neighborhood that I'm living in. I didn't brought any food with me, means that there was completely nothing inside the new fridge or the cabinets.
Grabbing my wallet and my phone, I walked out of the house and closed the door behind before I walked along the lines that was formed on the ground. While walking, I noticed the neighbor across from my house. The garage door was open, and in there, there was a little boy about 13 or 14 years old. Next to the boy, was a late 50s or 60s elderly man. He was tall, way tall. With spikey blue hair. He had a lab coat on, and a little drool? Over his thin lips.
The Boy, the brown haired boy noticed that i was staring at them. I could imagine what my face looked like, big eyes, and mouth dropped open. I shook my head, and gulped in embarrassment. Quickly to shrug away the awkwardness, I wave in a polite manner to the Boy. Which only made the boys face red as he waved back. Looking to the other male, the blue haired male only stared at me. Raising his big blue eyebrows at me as he watched my actions. I didn't know why, but I felt like he was looking through me. As if he knows what I'm thinking. Quickly looking away after flashing a polite smile to the boy, I quickly turned away and walked towards the store to buy some food for myself. And a little gift, for my new neighbor.

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