.21 The Farewell

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The clearing was quite, even the wind held its breath. The ground was smooth and unbroken. No trace of what had just happened was present. The sword sat at Finnegan’s feet, broken into multiple pieces. Theo was on his back propped up on his elbows. Eyes wide and heart hammering in his chest. Derek stood over the place the hole to hell once was. His hands stretched out in front of him, still reaching for Liam.Scott had fallen back down onto one knee. His mind was working too fast and too slow all at once. Hayden sat, shaking from head to toe. Her eyes kept blinking, she was praying one time she’d blink and Liam would still be standing there.

“We have to. He can’t. She’s gonna.” Theo couldn’t form a sentence. He was in too much shock. Liam was in hell, with his sister. The sword was useless. “We have to get him out.” Theo crawled on his knees to the place the hole was. He started clawing at the ground, digging a small hole. He kept yelling, screaming they had to get him out. “Theo?” Scott’s mind started to work normally.

He broke watching Theo on his hands and knees, digging to try and save Liam.  They all knew it was pointless, even Theo. “Theo, we can’t get to him like that.” Scott walked over to Theo and started to tug him to his feet. Theo cried out Liam’s name. “Theo!” Scott roared, flashing his eyes. Theo stopped immediately and looked at Scott.

“We’ll find a way to get him back. I promise you Theo.” Scott didn’t look like he believed his promise but he had to convince Theo. “We’ll go to the skinwalkers if we have to.” Theo nodded slowly, trusting his alpha. He had to believe they’d get him back.

“He’s really…” Hayden stammered, pointing to the ground. Theo growled and lunged at her. He pinned her down and swung at her, catching her in the jaw. “It’s your fault!” He swung again. “Liam’s in hell because of you!” Another punch to the face. Theo kept hitting her, watching as blood coated her face. He could feel her bones breaking, her skin splitting.

He didn’t want to stop. He wanted to beat the life from her. He wanted to make her pay for what she did to Liam. “Theo stop!” Scott yelled. He wanted to make Hayden pay but not like this. Scott stepped towards him but was stopped by Ewan. The scottish alpha grabbed Theo and pulled him off of Hayden.

“We will make her suffer. Everyday your mate is in hell, she will suffer.” Theo was breathing hard, his anger still boiling in his chest, but he believed Ewan. He knew the alpha would make Hayden suffer for what she has done. “Murphy, gather the sword. We will take it to Sandā. She fixed it once maybe she can fix it again.” Ewan turned to Scott and told him about the kitsune they had on call. She was the one that fixed the sword for them previously. He promised to call the pack once they had the sword.

Murphy and Finnegan grabbed Hayden and hauled her to her feet. Her face was badly bruised and broken, covered in dirt and blood. She made no effort to stand on her own so the two wolves dragged her to the car and shoved her into the back seat. They got in after her and waited for Ewan.

“I will call soon.” Ewan clapped Scott on the shoulder before turning away. With them gone Theo broke. He dropped to his knees and started to sob. His whole body shook. “We have to tell the pack. They need to know.” Scott started to pull his phone out, but he stopped when he heard Theo speak. “It should have been me.” Scott knelt down next to Theo and pulled him into an embrace.

“No it shouldn't of. You don't deserve that Theo. No one does.” Theo clung to Scott, soaking through the alpha's shirt with his tears. “We have to get him out. You don't know what it's like, what she'll do to him.” Scott held on to him tighter, the scent of Theo's fear assaulting his nose. “We will Theo, but we have to tell the pack.” Scott, with the help of Derek, walked Theo to the car. The chimera wanted to stay there, with Liam.

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