70. Ethan and Lacey

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1 year earlier

What happened to us talking everyday...I feel as thought I'm the one that wants this relationship to last more than you.
Lately you haven't been yourself what has gotten into you??
Read 10:37 pm

Can you at least explain to me what happened and why we stopped talking, and the reason why you lost contact with me all together but you are still able to talk to my brother everyday??

I never wanted this to happen Ethan I hope you know that , it's just when you left for tour for 6  months I felt as though the Sparks we had once before has disappeared , you didn't look at me the same way you look at her...
I know that you think that I don't know about her but I do,  Luna Stone ... Does that ring a bell for you??
Read 10:48 pm

How did you find out about her??
We were on tour and you weren't calling me or responding to any of my messages, I'm so sorry it was never meant to turn out like this, why do you think that Grayson hasn't spoken to me in a month, all he does is watch me and shakes his head in disappointment
You don't understand do you, my whole life I have felt like a disappointment, kids never made me forget it but once gray and I got a following I finally felt like I hate a purpose and a voice, I was no longer a disappointment I was the reason for so many peoples smiles. One thing that put the biggest smile on people's faces was you and I together... What happened was the cause of the biggest mistake of my life and I understand that you don't want to see me or talk to me again I understand that, I just want you to know and remember one thing I love you and I always no one could ever forget a beautiful and kind soul like yours, you are beautiful inside and out, I don't know what I did to deserve you but I know that I made a huge mistake.
Read 10:59 pm

I will always love you Ethan you have just hurt me and I don't think you understand how much it hurt to see and hear you with another girl whilst in different countries for a whole 6 months and especially to hear it from your brother and not you, I thought I could trust you enough to feel the same for me at the end of the tour but I guess not and I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you and I bet I never will be
This means goodbye Ethan ...
Read  11:00 pm

@ethandolan has been blocked

I guess this is goodbye forever then...

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