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"Nobody said that losing someone that you thought was the one would be thing hard, I have been myself mentally or physically, I haven't gotten out of bed or left my house for 3 weeks ever since the day the 'joyful' news was spread, numerous magazine articles have been made about the whole situation and what I'm going to be doing next. To be completely honest I don't even have the will to live anymore, all my joy and happiness left a long time ago approximately 2 years ago. I know what you are probably thinking he is just some guy you will get over him, he is not just some guy he is the sweetest, kindest, caring, loving, humorous guy I have ever meet and the sad thing about it was that it was my fault that we didn't work out. I pushed him away when he was only trying to help me, when I needed him the most, when I was the at the most vulnerable point in my life I pushed him away. Look where that got me losing the love of my life to a beautiful, loving, gorgeous women. If you are reading this Luna I'm glad you have him, he is my world and I hope you don't destroy it. The real reason why we both took the break was that I fell pregnant and a month later had a miscarriage, this caused me to fall into this downward spiral of depression that I have not been able to leave. The only one that has been with me the whole way is @graysondolan, he has helped me when I needed someone the most and I'm so thankful that I met him, he has changed my life for the better and I hope I am pulled out of this spiral of depression before its too late..."
@ethandolan: Why was I stupid to not see it sooner, I lost my best friend...
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