The Introduction - 1

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I honestly do not know why my stories keep getting deleted but here you go, ill re-upload for the millionth time a/n

Your name is Tatiana but you prefer being called Tati, you are originally from America but you moved to korea when you were really young so you are literally Korean even tho you don't look like one you act and sound like one.

When you moved to Korea you were around 6 years old and now you are 16, it's been a decade since you've been back in America and you don't plan on visiting it anytime soon.

Two years ago, you moved from Busan to Seoul due to the fact that people were bullying you in a very extreme way, even tho you weren't shy at all sometimes the way people treated you and followed you home really scared you so your mom decided to move to Seoul, your father stayed back working, but he is moving in soon because he finally got a job here.

In your new school, you met a lot of lovely people and everyone was nice to you, it made you feel good to have friends and not have everyone around you always despise you. During the last year you made a couple of friends, her names are Lee Soohyun, Kim Jeon A and Kim Soo Min. Right before summer you and Soo min got in a fight and broke your relationship, but you were still friends with both Soohyun and Jeon A, right after summer you got moved class with your two friends and Soo min so instead of beefing with her you decided to fix things. In the new school year, a lot of new people came and you made two new friends, Lee Yu Na and Kim Ji Hee. (I know it is a lot of names but it will eventually narrow down a/n) Something that got you really excited was the fact that new boys came in too, the three of them were already close and they were all best friends but you already had your eye on one of them, his name was Kim Taehyung. Your closest friend Soohyun also had a crush on him and after a month they ended up dating but you had to deal with it cause you let it happen.

Tatis POV:

Soohyun: Tati! Tati!

Tati: Yes?

Soohyun: Remember the guy named Kim Taehyung? He asked me out!

When you heard those last words your heart sank and reached the bottom of the sea, your knees felt weak and you wanted to leave but you had to act like you felt good for her.

Tati: HE WHAT?!

Soohyun: Ikr, same reaction, but now you can say we are official dating hehe!

Tati: Im happy for you pabo! You are no longer single! Haha

Soohyun: After school lets go get food and I'll tell you how it happened!

NO! NO! NO! SHIT! Now I have to deal with that, ah fuckmeshootmeinthehead

Tati: Um... I don't think I can today I have a lot of work to do!

Soohyun: PLEEeAaasSs!!! I won't take long!

Aisshhhh this kid with her aegyo!

Tati: FINE! But you have to buy me food!

Hehe that's how I do it.

Soohyun: Okay!

"From now on her name will be Su"

A/N: heeyyyy please give me some feedback if you really like the story so far, I will try to update every day or whenever I am feeling inspired hehe! 

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