Diary of a Mismatched Girl

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I dreamt of a guy last night who kissed me. I was laying down on this part of the bench and he was sitting, he was a friend of my friend's (who I might add is existing) boyfriend. He and his other friends came to help him surprise my friend for some other reason, and then we ended up talking. I was laughing and telling these funny stories about myself then bam. I first saw his face getting closer to mine, and my laugh sort of faded away, then he went for it. His lips, were slightly wet I think, but not in a disgusting kind of way, and the last thing I remembered was that my hand slightly pushed his head as I came to sit up and ask him why before I suddenly woke up; Woke up with my shoulders completely shook- and my mind wwas going cray cray, because it felt so damn real- and may I add that I haven't had my first kiss yet. But as for you all, this is totally not the cliche type of story you see where I got to suddenly see the man from my dreams, because no. I think he was an actor of some sort, but not a big time one. I don't know, I'm low on memory, really. I have short term memory loss, and for all I know he could be someone I already saw before because I've read that your dream doesn't make up random strangers, the strangers you see on your dreams are people you've seen before- but he's of course good looking. So by the time my consciousness came back on, I imediately went to search for a pen and a piece of paper to write the date and what happened. Then, I opened my laptop and searched for the meaning of my dream on the internet, and it said that when you dream about a stranger kissing you, or an unknown feeling or situation occurs to you in a dream, that's what you're lacking and sort of needing. And I was totally blown. Because if those type of dreams would continue gushing down this path of endless boring nights, that'd be fine by me- even though I'm missing on it pretty much in the real world. But you know, I've posted a lot of rants on my blog and I know that not one single guy will approach this meat- well I don't think I should even be considered as meat, I think I'm the vegetable that everyone tends to avoid, what is that anyway? But seriously.

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