11 | Repercussions

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"That bastard kissed me!" Sera yelled out in frustration

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"That bastard kissed me!" Sera yelled out in frustration. "Let go of me!" She continued to struggle against her brothers hold, but it was pointless; he was just too strong.

Kouen witnessed the fire in his sister's eyes, they were no longer the timid ones he was used to seeing, then he realised that something wasn't quite right with her. Wasn't she always the reserved one?

He shut his eyes so as to clear the questions that were creating havoc in his mind and opened them again. He glanced calmly down at his sister and his expression softened. "Come on, get up." He helped her to her feet, and a warm smile donned his lips.

Then, a swooshing sound could be heard coming from the rukh that surrounded the female magi; they had turned invisible and had swarmed to their mistress. After they were done with what they had been instructed to do Sera's whole demeanour had overcome a change.

"Br... Brother."

"It's all ok now. I'll deal with it, ok?" He rubbed her hair and pulled her behind him. "Judar, my office now!" Kouen turned to the no-longer smirking fallen magi.

The ruler of Kou's face contorted with a silent anger that was slowly building up the longer he looked at the other male. The same could be said for the three other brothers, Kougyoku, and Hakuei - they each surrounded their sister and protected her from the magi.

Judar grimaced and then exited the room.

Once he was gone, Kouen faced his sister and said, "stay here for now and I'll come see you later. I have some questions to ask you, is that okay?"

Sera simply nodded as a response and then her siblings left her room, bar for Kougyoku who stayed behind to keep her company.

"Judar." Kouen sat behind his desk and sighed, a crease formed between his brows. "I assume you've been told the story of Sera and why she's being kept hidden?"

"Yeah, I've heard of it." Judar grinned, which wasn't appropriate at this moment of time and it only caused Kouen's frown to deepen. "It's quite..." He paused for dramatic effect.


A fierce noise came from behind as Kouha jumped to his feet. Rage was seeping from his pores, a red aura visible to the naked eye. "My sister has been through misfortune after misfortune, and it's fascinating to you?"

Judar's lips never faltered and the younger male's words hadn't affected him - it was almost as though he hadn't heard Kouha at all.

Kouen got to his feet and walked around his desk until he was face-to-face with the fallen magi.

"I no longer want you to go near my sister, and that even includes her courtyard. It's best that you heed my words, Judar. There will be no further warnings after this." He elevated his head, and he gave off a more intimidating air. 

"My brother's personal magi or not, you will be punished if I see you in close proximity of Sera. There are valid reasons why she is kept away from others, who knows what would happen if she goes near them."

Laughter permeated the room, as Judar almost cried from the hilarity of it all. "So not even you understand what your sister's powers are?" Judar straightened up and folded his arms across his chest; a gloating expression decorated his features.

Kouen was taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, nobody, not even you, comprehends what her powers entail or what they could be used for," he replied, smugness seeping off every word. "Your sister is one of the most powerful magis and you keep her locked up, like she's some damsel that needs protecting. You know nothing about her, do you?"

"That's none of your concern!" Hakuryuu snapped. "Let's just go, Judar. Royal Brother has issued his orders, so that's the end of that."

"Okay, I'll leave." Judar held up his hands. "But when your darling sister resents you, you have no one to blame but yourselves." And with that he exited the room, leaving a gloomy atmosphere behind.

" And with that he exited the room, leaving a gloomy atmosphere behind

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