Chapter 6 ~

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Mitch's P.O.V:

"Mitch, are you ok now?" Isabel asked, "Yeah." I said, smiling. "What was all that about?" she asked, "I got annoyed." I said. She was still hugging me, but I didn't care. 'How is she this cuddly?' I asked myself. I didn't want to let go, she was so warm and so soft. She was basically a Human Teddy bear. She let go, "Wanna go walk?" she asked, me. "Yeah sure!" I said, standing up. We walked out and down stairs, to the door. "Where are you' goin'?" Jerome asked, well shouted. "We're going for a walk," Isabel said, "Cause I'm bored." We then walked out, and started down the road. "Starbucks?" I asked, wanting Starbucks. "Um, I don't really like Starbucks," She answered, "But if you want some, then we can go." I shrugged, "We don't have to, I just wanted to know if you liked it or not." I said, trying to not go. Even though I wanted some Starbucks, I felt like it wouldn't be fair. "Lets go the Woods, there's a lake there and it's really nice!" I suggested. Isabel nodded and I led her there. It took about 5 minutes to get there, but I didn't care. We sat by the water, it was so clean and shiny. I loved coming here, cause I always got bored after recordings. I looked over at Isabel, she was as still as a statue. She touched the lake, and it started to ripple. "Isabel, do you like it?" I asked, "Yeah. It's really pretty." I smiled. I held her hand, which surprised both of us. I didn't know why I held her hand, neither did she. But I assume she was fine with it, as she didn't decline it. I moved closer to her. She looked at me, then our hands. Putting her free hand over our intertwined hands, she kissed my cheek and stood up. Helping me up as well. "Mitch, I wanna go Tree Mode!" She said, in a childish tone. "But, I don't like Tree Mode!" I told, mimicking her. She just rolled her eyes and went over to a tree. "Don't touch it, it'll kill you!" I said, jokingly. I didn't want her to climb it, I don't want her again to fall. "Isabel, seriously please. Don't climb it!" I say, she looked back at me. She walked over, "Where do you wanna go?" She asked, poking me. "Bed." I said, blankly. She giggled and held my hand, "Follow. I wanna show you something." She said, leading us deeper into the Forrest.

~~~ A/N ~~~

Hai there! Is me! Sorry for long wait, and short chapter! I haven't been feeling very well. But there shall be more updates! I promise! If you liked the chapter Comment, Vote or something. But yeah. That's me done with life!

Bai x

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