Chapter 5 ~

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Isabel's P.O.V:

"Guys!" I shouted, "I don't think I can hang on much longer!" I was so scared, I couldn't even think of how worried Jerome would've been. I looked down, Jerome looked like he was gonna have a heart attack, "Hang On! Try to Hang On!" Jerome shouted. He sounded so scared. I tried so hard to climb up a little, so I could try to hang on. But I failed, I screamed and fell down. I was falling rapidly, it was so scary. I landed, But I couldn't see where. I had my eyes closed tight shut. I had noticed that my landing was soft, and warm. Like someone caught me. "Open your eyes" I heard, "Your OK." I opened my eyes. I was in Mitch's arms, Jerome was there he looked like he had started to cry. "Your Alright!" Jerome exclaimed, and with that he hugged me. I tried to hug back, but with being in Mitch's arms and having Jerome basically on top of me, it was hard to move. Jerome soon stopped hugging me, "NEVER! Do that, Again!" He shouted. "I'm so sorry, I promise I won't." I said, he hugged me again, but this time so I could hug him. "Let's go home," Jerome said, "It's getting cold," It takes about 30 minutes to get back, and we had to walk. "Mitch, why are you still carrying me?" I asked, "I don't want anything else bad happening to you, so I'll carry you, just in case." He said. I felt safer now I wasn't in a tree and with Mitch and Jerome. I feel cared about, loved. I feel Happy. we were about 20 minutes away from the house, and I was so cold. I was literally shaking, I was that cold. I tried to warm myself up, but it didn't work. Mitch then let me stand. He took of his Jacket, and gave it to me. I looked at him, confused. "Why are you staring at me, like I'm an alien? Put it on," He said. I didn't want to put it on, He'd be cold then. "I-I don't want to put it on," I said, "You'll then be cold." "Don't worry about me," He said, "I'm a guy, I can deal with it. Now put it on, if you don't wanna freeze to death." I then put it on, he was bigger than me so this was huge. It was really warm. "C'mon, lets keep moving." He said, I took one step forward, and fell to the ground. "Are you OK?" Mitch asked, helping me up, "Y-yeah, I don't know why I fell." I said, He then picked me up again. I then realized Jerome was gone, "M-Mitch?" I said, "Yeah?" He said, "W-where's Jerome?" I asked, "Huh? Jerome's Gone? Oh god." He turned back around, "Maybe he's at the park still?" He said, "Let's go check," I said, I was worried. What if he was kidnapped? Maybe even Murdered? Probably not, cause Jerome wouldn't just let someone do that. We got back to that tree, Jerome was in it. "JEROME?!" Mitch yelled, "What?" Jerome shouted, "What are you doing?" Mitch shouted. "I-I don't know!" He said, "Get down!" I shouted, "You didn't take her back?" Jerome screamed. "No, we were on our way, until she pointed out you were gone!" I felt a tear go down my cheek, I really wanted him to come down. "Jerome, Please come down!" I shouted. "I don't wanna!" He said, "Mitch, take Isabel home. And then I might get down." "I can't leave you there alone! Get down!" Mitch said, "Mitch, put me down, please." I told him, He put me down. "I'll jump, if you don't go!" Jerome shouted. "Jerome, you dare," Mitch exclaimed. Jerome got ready to jump, "I'll do it," "FINE! I'll take Isabel home, Just don't jump!" Mitch yelled. Jerome sat on the branch, and waited. Mitch picked me up, and started to go. "What if he jumps?" I asked, about to cry. "He won't. I promise." He said. We soon got to the house, "Mitch," I said. "Yeah?" he said, I hugged him. He was surprised at first, but he hugged back. "I'll get him back, I promise." he said. He kissed my forehead, and set off to get Jerome. I waited here, for Mitch and Jerome's return.

--- Mitch's P.O.V ---

I left Isabel at the house, while I went to get Jerome. I was really scared, I didn't want him to jump. Nor did Isabel. I soon got there, Jerome was on the branch. Still sitting, he said "Mitch, I'm sorry for scaring you and Isabel, I really am." "It's ok, don't do it again though, please?" I said, saying please as a question. "I won't." He said, and he came down. We walked back, Isabel was sitting on the couch, on her phone. We, quietly, walked over. She was reading, I don't know what. She was on a site called Wattpad, I think that's what it was called. I noticed, it was a fan fiction, a Team Crafted fan fiction. "Mitch, why is she reading? And why is it a Fan Fiction?" Jerome asked, "I don't know, I guess she likes reading." I said. Isabel them turned her phone off, "Why didn't you say you were here?" She said, "Yeah, Mitch! Why didn't you tell her, I wasn't here at all." Jerome said, walking away. "I don't know, you looked so calm. I didn't want to interrupt your peace." I said. I'm sure I saw her blush, but I don't think she did. Or did she? "I'm bored..." She said, "Wanna do something?" I heard Jerome pipe up. "Yeah," She said, "But what?" "Let's play minecraft," I said, so we did. I decided to record, but before I did I asked Isabel "Do you have a YouTube account?" "Yup," She said, "What? No, you don't! Do you actually?" Jerome said, well asked. "Yeah, why?" She asked, "Well, I wanted to know. So I could record with you," I said. She told us her Name, and we started recording. "Hey, whats going on doods! It's me, Mitch or BajanCanadian here," I started my intro, "Doing the Hunger Deens!" "And, I'm here with, Jerome and Isabel! CraftBenjBacca123!" I said. "Hey there," Isabel said, "Hai!" Said Jerome. The games then started.

~~~ Time skip to the Outro ~~~

"Thank you guys so much for watching! And I'll see you all later!" I said, "Take care!" And we stopped reording. "That was fun," Isabel said, sarcasticaly. "Yeah, very fun!" Jerome said, laughing. I heard the front door open, "HEY!" I heard. "Piano!" Isabel shouted. I was so confused. I then walked out of my room, and so did everyone else. I saw Max, he stood there. Quietly. "You ok bro?" Isabel said, in a Swedish accent? 'Shes really good at accents!' I thought to myself. "Yeah, I'm bored." Max said. We just ignored him, and started to walk down stairs. "Mitch, I wanna go out! Take me out!" Jerome said, "MEROME! #MEROME!!" I heard Isabel scream. I just rolled my eyes, "Jerome, I don't wanna go out." I told him, he looked at me. "Why?" "I just don't wanna." I sat on the couch, bored. "Mitch, what's wrong?" Isabel asked, "Nothing." She sat next to me, "Something's wrong. You can tell me!" She said. I got up walked to my room. 'What am I doing? Why am I sad, all of a sudden?' I asked myself. I shut my room door, and sat on my bed. There was then a knock. "Go away." I said. There was another knock. "Go Away!" I shouted. The door opened, Isabel walked in. "What?" I said, "Mitch, what's wrong?" She asked, "Nothing, now leave." I said. I then got under my covers and hid. "Mitch, please. What's wrong? you can tell me." She asked, sad. "I'm tired." I said. "Mitch, stop being a butt," She said, "And get out of bed." I sat up. She came over, sat down and hugged me.

~~~ A/N ~~~

Hey guys! Is me, Summer! I haven't got ant ideas for chapters. Or to continue this one. If you have an idea, tell me! I may use it. Well, that's me out!

Bai x

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