Chapter 10 - Slytherin Versus Gryffindor

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Quidditch practice took a lot of Megan's after class time, but she was still able to keep good marks. She barely noticed that it was already Halloween until Ron reminded her that morning.

"Oh, yeah, and they decorate the Great Hall, and there's a Halloween feast and everything." he was saying.

Megan was happy to have that to look forward too. She thought back at all the Halloweens she had had at the Dursley's. They had mainly consisted in Nathalie bringing home heaps of candy and thrusting them under her nose. The day was as normal as it could be at Hogwarts, except for Peeves the Poltergeist who was always trying to think of new ways to scare people. However, things went a little awry after Charms. They had been working on Levitation, and had to make a feather rise from their desk. Megan had succeeded with more ease than she had thought, and Harry had managed, even though he had not been able to lift it quite as high. Ron's feather, however, refused to lift.

"You're saying it wrong," Hermione was telling him.

"I'm not! Look, it's Wingardium Leviosa!"

"Yes, but you're not stressing the right syllable. It's Wingardium Leviosa."

Ron didn't seem happy at being corrected.

"Go on, you do it, then, if you're so clever."

She flicked her wand at her feather and said in a clear voice:

"Wingardium Leviosa."

Her feather rose higher than Megan's, and hers had been the highest yet.

Hermione had something to ask Professor Flitwick after Charms, so Megan, Harry and Ron headed out ahead of her. But Ron was still angry at her for what he saw as showing off.

"It's Levi-o-sa, not leviosaa, she says," he was complaining as they headed to Herbology. "She's so full of herself!"

Someone knocked his shoulder. He was about to say something, but Megan nudged him hard in the ribs.

"I think she heard you." She said. "Ron, that was rather unfair to say. She was trying to help."

"Well, maybe but... she was awfully bossy about it," he said, uncomfortably.

They didn't see Hermione in Herbology, a few minutes later. Nor was she in Transfiguration afterwards.

Megan had another Quidditch practice, but it was raining outside.

"Oh, I wouldn't like training in this weather,..." Harry said.

"Wood's orders," Fred said. "C'mon, George. Megan?

"Right behind you." Megan said.

They tended to leave at different times so the others, in particular the Slytherins, wouldn't see them together and get suspicious.

It was very wet. Megan was drenched in minutes, and the rain was heavy so they charmed a golf ball, instead of risking the snitch.

"Wood, we can't train in this!" George complained.

A large rumble of thunder answered before Wood could.

"Yes, we can." He said, ignoring it. "Because if it turns out this bad on our first match, we'll have the advantage."

"But Wood, we'll never be able to play if we're all sick with pneumonia," Chaser Katie Bell said.

"That's nothing Madam Pomfrey can't handle," he said.

So they continued. Megan was speeding around, looking for the ball. Then, she saw it. Speeding forwards, she suddenly swerved upwards.

"Sorry, Fred!" she said, seeing her team mate at last.

Megan Potter - A saga of the Heart - Book 1 - A Witch's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now