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"Why are you guys still here? The work day ended three hours ago." Mike said to Bill and I sighing.

"The clown. He's back." Bill said. "We saw him."

"Where?" Mike asked now interested.

"In the school." I tell him. "IT shape-shifted into one of my students then chased me down the hall." I add.

"Wait- He can come out of the sewers now?" Mike asks. Bill groans.

"Yes you idiot!" He yells.

"Sorry, I forgot." Mike says sheepishly. "Have you told the others?" He asks.

"No. They've already gone home." I say.

"Well, we'll have to tell them tomorrow." Mike says.

Bill and I nod. I get up from the seat in front of Mike's desk and go back to my classroom to get my things.

After I get my things, I leave the school and go home.

I get home I close the door slowly, not wanting it to squeak, then I tip-toe into the kitchen to get dinner started. My husband is already sitting at the table with a mad look on his face.

"You're late." He hisses.

"I know, I'm sorry I had to grade some papers." I tell him.

"On the first day of school?" He asks angrily.

"Y-Yes. The students wrote and essay about... George Washington." I lie.

"You're lying."

"I'm not."

He gets up from his seat and stomps towards me.

"You know I don't like it when you lie, Bevvie." He says in my face. He spits a little when he talks.

"Ugh right in the splash zone." I say wiping the saliva off my face.

"What'd you say?" He asks again.

"I'll make your dinner, Tom." I hiss and walk away.

"That's what I thought." Tom mumbles and walks into the living room.

I get started making grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm almost done when the phone rings. I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Bev!" I hear a chirpy voice on the other end of the phone say.

"I'm sorry, who is this?" I ask flipping over a sandwich.

"Its me, Polly!" I smile.

"Hi Polly. What have you been up to?" I ask her.

"Well..." She starts, then the line is cut off.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone. I don't hear a response so I put the phone back on ya holder.

"Beverly." Tom says from the kitchen doorway.

"What Tom?" I ask annoyed.

"No talking on the phone while making dinner." He says.

"Tom, I'm a grown woman I can do what I want! And I certainly don't need you supervising me 24/7!" I yell at him.

"Beverly you don't mean that.." He says in an evil tone.

"I do." I tell him.

His face goes red and I can tell he's really angry.

"I'm leaving." I say. "Don't bother to come looking for me." I add and throw my wedding ring at him.

"Beverly!" He calls after me as I get into my car.

I drive away. After that I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I'm finally free from that monster. And I ended it. I smile to myself as I drive back to the school, planning to sleep in my classroom.

A/N: I don't know if this was a good chapter it was sort of rushed since I have friends coming over later for a sleepover tonight. Also, I watched Annabelle yesterday. Well.. like 1 am this morning. It's so freaking scary but good at the same time. Well till next time fellow Losers.

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