After The Attack Of Godric's Hollow

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     It was midnight. The little guy was running through the wheat and barley fields. He was exhausted but he knew that he had no choice because behind him were three gigantic shadows. Those shadows weren't running, they were sliding which made them even more monstrous.

     The boy didn't know where he was going but he didn't mind, all he wanted was to outrace the shadows, but the more he ran, the slower he was and adrenaline was not getting anymore efficient. His head, legs, heart and feet were hurting, he was beginning to get out of breath. His little body couldn't bear the effort anymore. So he collapsed.

     Quickly the shadows caught up with the boy. They craned their hideous faces toward the boy's and began to suck something out of his mouth. It was a small, bright and silvered ball. It was the boy's soul which was going away, condemning the boy to live with no sense of himself anymore,no feelings, no memories, no anything...

     Suddenly another bright and silvered shape appeared, it was a big panther which rushed at the shadows and made them slide away. The panther approached the boy and started to lick his face. Slowly his soul got back into his body and his face which had become white after theattack of the shadows was recovering its colours. The boy opened his eyes and saw the silvered beast. He panicked but he was still too weak to move or cry, so he let it lick his face and started to realize that the beast was not a danger. It was warm, friendly and brought him happiness and strength.

     "Don't worry Andrew ! It won't harm you !" a manly voice cried.

     The boy harldy swallowed and said in a weak voice :

     "Who are you ?" he swallowed again "How do you know my name ?"

     "Call me Dean. I heard it sooner during the attack of Godric's Hollow. Now,get up and grab my hand." the man answered.

     "Why should I listen to your orders ?" Andrew asked

     "Because I've just saved your life or, I'd better say your soul." Dean said in a calm but firm voice.

     "Well, I guess I have no choice" Andrew answered "But help me please, my body still hurts"

     Dean offered his hand to Andrew who grabbed it and got up not without difficulty. Then Dean raised his other hand. It was holding an eleven inches long wooden wand. It was not the first time that Andrew saw a wand. His parents had wands , and most of his friends' parents had wands too.

     Dean moved his wand quickly and in less than a second he and Andrew had moved in another place.

     "It's Apparate, isn't it ?" Andrew asked, still shaken by the teleportation.

     "Yes" Dean answered. "Now, follow me."

     Dean started to walk, too quickly for Andrew who had to run behind him.

     "Wait! you're too fast !" the boy shouted "And where are we ?"

     "In London. Now, climb onto my back, it'll be easier this way" Dean said as he kneeled.

     Andrew climbed, and Dean continued to walk, answering the boy's numerous questions. After ten minutes Andrew knew that they were in the heart of London, it was two in the morning and they were going to Diagon Alley - a wizarding alley and shopping area - where he had never been before. Dean was an Auror working for the Ministry Of Magic and he had just saved him from three dementors, which are creatures that suck the soul out of one's body and are supposed to be guarding the prison of Azkaban, a prison for witches and wizards. The spell he used to chase them was a corporeal Patronus. It's a spell that is used against dementors and requires a great magic power and a strong and happy memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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