Samantha: it's been a while.
Amy: Art?
Samantha: Art. Loren?
Loren: NO
Amy: Yes
Amy: The fam
WKP: Ayyyyy m8 look at meee
Amy: The ships
Amy: The more ships
Loren: Wow
Amy: Them crazy ppls
Loren: Hey!
Amy: The cutie pies
Loren: Omg Jon you baby face it's too cuteeeee
Amy: The kool kids
Loren: Ayyy m8
Amy: The evils (and the not evils)
Amy: And the unfinished ;-;
Loren: I hope Casey gets her design in soon, I wanna finish that ;-;
Loren: Oh hey look, my old hoodie!
WKP: Fabulous m8, fabulous.