Jungle Hunt

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Kailey's POV:

"Extra armor?" I asked, scanning the check list to see if we had the necessities before the journey.

"Check!" Mitch said as he reached into his inventory, pulling out two full sets of iron armor. He threw them over to us, the push of extra weight causing Aiden to fall over.


"That hurt Mitch!"

"That attitude will get you nowhere in this world," Mitch joked, helping him off the ground.

"Swords?" I asked, trying to get the two boys back on topic so we could leave sooner rather than later.

"Yup!" He threw both of us diamond swords, luckily this time neither of us fell over.


"Got it!" Aiden said, taking a piece of steak out of his inventory and eating it to display his stock of food and to restore the few hearts he lost in the fall. I rolled my eyes, Mitch snorted.

"Basic supplies?" Mitch asked this time.

"Yep!" I responded.

"Why do we need basic supplies?" asked Aiden.

"So we can set up temporary shelter at night, we're not on peaceful you know." I said as Mitch tried to imitate a zombie by holding up his arms and moaning, slowly limping towards us. He stopped a few seconds after, unable to continue through his fit of laughter.

"Haha, very funny. We have to leave soon, the sun will be setting in about a half an hour." I said looking down at my clock.

"Okay, then let's get a move on." Aiden said as he held the door open.

As we walked out of the mushroom house, Aiden started to hum the tune of "I Can Swing My Sword" by Tobuscus. While I love Tobuscus, I absolutely cannot stand that song. Mitch on the other hand did not mind it and liked to watch me suffer.

"HELP" I mouthed to Mitch. He flashed me a smirk and started to walk ahead.

After about 5 minutes of enduring the song on repeat, we reached a large body of water and Aiden finally stopped singing.

I sighed, "This is going to be a long night." I said to myself before we all hopped into our boats and began to sail.


After what felt like forever, we finally saw a tall sweep of trees on the shoreline, a jungle biome. I then realized in normal time, the journey was a short fifteen minutes when it felt like hours.

"Hallelujah!" Aiden said as we got closer to the shore. But we could all sense it. Something was wrong-hairs standing up on the back of your neck, goosebumps and shivers wrong.

For precautions, I took out my bow before seeing 2 pale figures run through the trees, but too fast for me to see who it was.

I held out my palm to Aiden, signaling for him to stay back, as Mitch and I crept forward towards the shore together.

When we got close enough, I held up three fingers and mouthed the countdown.

"3... 2... 1... NOW." I said as we turned around to see a boy and a girl facing both of us with their bows pointing straight towards our faces.

After a few seconds, the girl put her bow down, and I finally recognized her face. "

"Wait, Kailey?" She asked, as I finally realized who she was.

"Oh my gods, Marie!" I said before we embraced. When we broke the hug, we looked over to see Mitch and the boy talking.

"Who the heck are-" I said before he turned to me and introduced himself.

"Prestonplayz" he said before he held out his hand to me. "But you can call me Preston."

"You're not the only person who travels with a cute boy." Marie winking at me and looking over at the distracted Mitch.

"Speaking of traveling, what were you and Mitch doing in these parts of the biome?"

"What were you and Preston doing in this part of the biome?" Mitch added.

"Touché," Preston said. "What are you guys actually doing? And who's the kid?" He said as Aiden walked toward us.

"Oh, that's Aiden. He's my friends little brother. We found him a short time after Mitch found me."

"Do I know his older sibling?" Marie asked, looking over at Aiden closely.

"He's Aj's little bro" I said, as I ruffled Aiden's hair. He quickly gave me the death stare and I backed off.

"Hey you know" Aiden said. "If we're all here, then my sister, and maybe some other people are around here," he said, pulling a compass out of his inventory.

"Let's head that way" Preston said looking over at Aiden's compass. "Maybe if we keep heading north we can find more people."

"Shall we?" I said as everyone nodded in agreement as we all took off running through the forest.


Hey guys, if you are still reading this (or reading this as I edit each chapter) I have a small little speech.

Well shit it's been a long time since I've written anything on Wattpad. I've been reading a lot lately and watching a lot of anime and school has been a pain so it's been hard. Also, it's been 6 months and no one has read any of my stuff. I'll just keep editing this though in hopes that it might get reads again. Enjoy and make sure to check out a few of my other stories ^^

-Ssupergirl 🐋

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