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Fast forward to the next month, Winston have gathered much information about the creature that Genji is tending now and then but he was waiting for it to wake up.

Tracer and the others were helpful enough on gathering about the said information back to him and told him the usual that the beast hasn't woken up yet.

Until now.

Genji was infront of the mighty large feathered dragon as it opened its dragon eyes from the deep slumber and focused on his form before the dragonness smelled another scent coming of him.

Another dragon. But, where?

"Greetings," Genji caught its attention and the dragonness looked at him specktically. "Your are in Overwatch HQ and we were nervous about your sudden arival."

The dragonness huffed in response and sniffed his stiffened form before he relaxed when the creature scanned its surroundings.

Genji looked at the beast, "You may be confused on how you got here but I am certain that you came from around here and Overwatch is looking through all the documents in order to find a way to bring you back to the wild."

Wild? Bring her back to the wild?

Nonsense! She cannot survive the wilderness without her family!

Razor started to panic when dread filled her as she thought about how worried would be her fathers are going to be or Stephen and the others looking for her around the city without any confirmation where on Earth she was by now!

Oh no!

A low whimper came out of her throat as she thought about her fear being yelled at until Genji heard it and slowly approached the whinpering creature before gently placing a cyborg hand over its beautiful crystal-like scales.

The creature whipped its head towards the cyborg and let out a small growl but Genji reassured it with a small pat.

"It is alright," he reassured with a gentle tone as he watched the creature begin to calm down. "I know you are worrying about your family but I am here to look after you until we find a way."

This made Razor feel comfortable around the man and she let out a small purr when she nuzzled his hand.

Genji noticed this and chuckled lightly, "It seems that you and I will be partners. You can stay here as long as you like and try not to get much trouble to my older brother, Hanzo."

Razor nuzzled into his touch once more before letting out a puff of smoke from her nostril and purred in agreement.

The two went on the whole day as Jack was silently watching from above, which is his own mini balcony that is connected to his room, with a watchful visor on his face.

Angela was with him and she was looking at the duo down below before she placed a hand over to Jack's tensed shoulder.

"I'm getting suspicious about that dragon, Angela," Jack started out of the blue. "Genji seemed to know what us troubling the dragon in a matter of seconds and the dragon is friendly towards him."

"Are you worried about our future, Jack?" Angela asked holding her pregnant belly with care, "If so, you don't have to hide it. You can tell me."

Jack turned towards his wife and his hardened gaze turned soft.

"Yes, I'm worried that the dragon might attack us and kill our future. But, I won't let that happen."

Angela gave him a soft smile, "Thank you."

Jack kissed her forehead with passion and care, "Now, get some rest. Our baby needs some beauty sleep, Angela."

The medic chuckled lightly, "I'm off to bed now. You can join me if you want and don't overworked yourself, Jack."

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