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Steve was getting worried by the last two weeks when Falcon and WarMachine told him that they didn't get any life signatures from Razor nor her wolves.

Not until today.

"Someone needs to cool down every once in awhile, Tony!"

"Says who? The chicken?"

"No, your face, Uncle Tony."

Que silence.

All of the Avengers sprang out of their rooms just enough to hear the familiar voice of a female teenager and they all ran towards in the living room of the tower before seeing Razor in all of her glory along with Shadow by her side.

"Are you guys just gonna stand there or...?" Razor asked with a strange look until everyone yelled out, "RAZOR!!!!", and hogpiled above her.

"Oof!!" Razor yelled out in shock, "To heavy to breath guys!"

They all remove themselves from her which only leave Steve and Bucky from the hogpile as Razor was struggling to remove them from her but failed until T'Challa and the others laughed at her.

Razor huffed in defeat, "Okay! Get the fuck off of me, Dads, and I hate being hogpiled for more than one minute!"

Bucky helped her up as Steve stood up and finally gave her a bone-crushing hug before Razor let out a small wheeze of surprise.

"We missed you so much, Razor," Steve sniffled as tears started to break free from his eyes. "Aaand he's crying." Bucky muttered under his breath with a playful eye roll and gave him a stash of tissues.

Shadow padded his way towards them and stared at them before Razor finally noticed him.

"I believe we have something more important to discuss with," Shadow said with a monotone voice. "Mistress, care to tell your, um, fathers and the others about the encounter from a Titan?"

"Oops, forgot about that," she scratched her whitish-silver hair before turning towards the others, "Shadow and I, along with Silver, Kitsune, and Atsume, encountered a Titan and his cronies."

Vision came to view along with Wanda and T'Challa as they heard the conversation from them.

"A Titan, you say?" Vision asked in concern as Razor nodded in confirmation, "What is the titan's name?"


* * *

Everything was still when Thanos came down from his ship and entered the abandoned plantation before hideous looking creatures greeted him with a snarl before all of them escorted him to the makeshift throne room of their leader.


The said Titan looked up and saw a fairly massive black and purple dragon sitting on the throne with a golden crown settling on her scaled head.

"What a pleasant surprise,"

"Do I know you?" Thanos held his ground as Jean made her way towards him while her royal followers bowed before her until she held a nasty look towards the said Titan. "I do not seemed to be knowing you if you have known me."

Jean chuckled darkly, "In that case, I can give you the stone,"

"Do not believe her, Master!" Squidward (forgot about his name) screeched in concern, "This mortal beast is just trying to confuse you!"

"Our Queen is no mortal, you squid!" One of the mutated mutts howled in disagreement. "She is the most powerful and most respected Queen here!" Another howled in anger.

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