tied with a ribbon ♡

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It happened all too suddenly. One second they were counting down from 10 to 0 for new year, next second his lips were on donghyuck's lips. All he could do, even though he was beyond shocked, cupping donghyuck's face gently and pulling him closer and kissing him back as passionately.

Donghyuck's hold on the white ribbon around mark's neck tightened and he smiled into the kiss.



Mark's head snapped back so hard when he heard that soft, heavenly voice that jaemin got worried about if he broke his neck.

"Oh hey donghyuck. I didn't uhm i didn't know you will come to the party too" mark said, trying to calm his heart down cause god freaking damn it, donghyuck looked way too good tonight and mark's knees were getting way too weak for his beautiful, beautiful smile.

"I wasn't going to be honest. I was just going to stay at home and watch doctor who's new year episode while eating popcorn and choking on my hot chocolate if daleks comes out again cause god knows i fucking tired of their shit but jeno literally begged me to come to the party so he can make out with jaemin in a corner and i take care of the guests even though it's his home."

"Oh...." mark let out the breathe he was holding in while watching donghyuck talk.

This beautiful boy was going to be the end of him he swore to god.

"Yeah" donghyuck said, chuckling at jeno's blushing face and his "shut up hyuck!"

Mark did catch the couple making out in a corner a while later. He didn't tell it to donghyuck but donghyuck knew it anyway and said "i swear to god i'm so scared that jaemin will ruin my pure jeno's innocence one day." Jokingly.

Mark just laughed nervously and sipped from his glass that had red wine in it and choked on it's sweet but bitter taste a bit. Because mark never drank wine before but jaemin kinda, actually not kinda but definetely, forced him to try it at least once. "Come on mark try it once. And maybe you can talk with donghyuck better if you aren't compeletly sober".

Little did he know it was going to be donghyuck who was going to make a move on mark...


"Did you really put grape juice and lemon soda in mark's glass ?" Jeno asked while caressing his boyfriend's face.

Jaemin giggled playfuly "yeah. I thought it would be a good prank for a few seconds till mark notice it isn't wine but i didn't think he wouldn't even notice it while drooling all over donghyuck."

"You are such a little devil, aren't you baby ?"

"You love this little devil" jaemin said, pulling jeno closer by his neck to a kiss which then turned into a whole making out session.

"Ewwwww what are they doing ?" The shorter one between two elemantry schoollers asked to his friend while watching his older brother's friends doing something he doesn't know on the couch.

"They are kissing lele" said the slightly taller one, looking with his open eye while closing the other one to not see the view compeletly.

"It looks gross jisunggie"

"I know lele. But my mom said when someone kisses someone else it means they love each other."

"Awww that's cute"

Jisung nodded and pecked chenle's cheek. Chenle gasped and held his cheek in shock.

"Jisunggie ?"

"Jisunggie loves you lele"

Chenle made a sound pretty close to a dolphin's scream and hugged jisung with his small hands.

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