Chapter 16| Another Word For Poop

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Tuesday morning I get up. Even though I really don't want to. I go to my closet, I grab an oversized maroon sweater, black leggings, and white converse. I put them on before throwing my hair into a bun.

I grab my phone and backpack before going downstairs

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I grab my phone and backpack before going downstairs. I go into the kitchen. Blake was sitting at the table. Kyle beside him, Nathan on top of the table, and Adam laying on the kitchen floor.

"Good morning, Kayla!" Kyle, Nathan, and Adam say. Blake stays silent.

"You look terrible." Kyle points out.

"Good." I mumble and grab an apple. I start to eat.

"Kayla, can I talk to you? In private? Please." Kyle asks. I nod. We go into the living room. "Are you ok?"

"I guess." I say, shrugging.

"Blake didn't say anything when you came into the kitchen. Did you guys break up?"

"I don't think so. We got into an argument yesterday. He yelled at me. No big deal." I admit.

"Ok. If you need anything, I'm always happy to help." I nod.

"Thank you."


School goes by slowly. Nothing happened. It was boring. I hadn't talked to Blake all day. Until now. I was waiting by Kyle's car for him to come so we could go home when Blake came up to me.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. I nod.

"Umm, so about yesterday. I'm sorry for yesterday. I really am. You were just worried about me and I yelled at you. I shouldn't have and it was a crappy mo-" Blake says but I cut him off. Also he didn't say crappy. But it was another word for poop.

"Blake. It's fine. Now shut up and kiss me." He smile and does.

"Dude! Come on! We've been over this!" Kyle screams from behind Blake. We pull apart and look at him. I laugh and Blake just shrugs.

"Sorry." Blake says.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm leaving. I don't care what either of you do." Kyle says. I get into car and Blake follows, getting in the back.

"Oh yeah, sure. You can come over!" Kyle says, sarcastically.

"Thanks. I appreciate the invitation." Blake says, patting Kyle's shoulder.

"Kayla, tell your boyfriend that I'm no longer talking to him." Kyle glances at me before looking back at the road.

"Blake, Kyle's requested that I should inform you that he's not talking to you because he's an over dramatic baby." I glance over my shoulder at him.

"Well, tell Kyle that I said I don't want to talk to him either." Blake says.

"He says he doesn't want to talk to you either." I tell Kyle.

"Good." Kyle huffs.

"Good." Blake huffs in return.

"You're both so dramatic." I shake my head at them.

"You love us!" They scream.

"Yeah yeah."


"Blake, will you tell me what happened when you went inside to get food yesterday?" We were sitting on my bed, Heartland playing on the tv in the background.

"Well, when I went in I heard some guys talking. They were talking about how pretty you were. Well, they didn't call you pretty but you know what I mean." He says, his voice coming out as a whisper.

"And why does that bother you so much?" I ask.

"Because, they were saying things and it made me mad that they thought that way of you."

"You're not telling me everything."

"I'm scared. Ok. I'm scared you're going to break up with me a-and date a guy like one of them and I hate the thought of someone treating you like, and I-I think I'm falling in love with you." Holy crap.

"Did he just-" A voice says from my doorway. Casey.

"He totally did." Kyle's voice follows hers.

"Go away. Both of you." I say.

"Right. Sorry." Casey says and grabs Kyle's hand, pulling him away. I turn back to Blake.

"Lucky for you, the feeling is mutual." And with that, he tackles me.
The last two chapters of this book have not turned out the way I had planned but whatever. Did you like it? It's short but whatever.

See ya suckers!

Love ya!

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