Act 1: Arielle - Sailor Sun

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Amara: Arielle! Time to get up! Your gonna be late again!

Arielle: *in bed* Mmm.... huh? WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Amara: *sigh*

Arielle: MOM! WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER!?!?!??!!?! *runs down the stairs but trips and lands on the bottom of the staircase* owwwwwwwwww....

Amara: Arielle? Are you alright?

Arielle: no I'm not alright! *gets up* that really hurt... *grabs my lunch* thanks for my lunch Mom! Bye!

Amara: please be careful on your way to school sweetheart!

Arielle: I will! *leaves the house*

Amara: *sigh* what am I gonna do with that girl... if only she was more like Sailor V...


Arielle: *runs to school and yawns* why does morning have to come so early... I'm so sleepy... *continues running then trips on a cat and lands on my face* owwwwwwwww... huh? Did I trip on something?

Luna: meow.......

Arielle: OH MY GOD! A CAT?!!?!?!?! IM SO SORRY KITTY!!!!! *picks up Luna*

Luna: meow......

Arielle: *sees bandages on her forehead* huh? Did some kids put that on ya... here... I'll get them off you... *takes the bandages off to reveal a Crescent Moon mark*

Luna: *jumps from Arielle's arms*

Arielle: *realizes that she's more late now* AH! I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS! IM GONNA BE MORE LATE!!!!!! *grabs my bag and lunch and runs to school*

~at School~


Arielle: *hears the other students laugh while going outside the classroom* man.... it's not fair... it's not my fault that the other students get there early.... *thoughts* but that dream I had last night... about a Princess and a Prince... man... I wish I was a Princess... so I don't have to go to school ever again...

~time skip after school~

Arielle: *walking back home with my test* argh.... Mom is gonna kill me once she sees this... oh well... *crumples the paper into a ball and throws it backwards and doesn't realize that it hits Lloyd*

Lloyd: *catches my test paper* hey you... watch where your throwing your paper... *looks at the test* 30%? Wow... you gotta study a lot harder lady...

Arielle: argh... *grabs the paper away from him* Mind your own busin- *stares at Lloyd*

Lloyd: *stares at Arielle*

Arielle: *snaps out of it and goes back home flustered a bit* man... why is my heart pounding like this... argh... who does he think he is?! What an arrogant jerk....

Lloyd: what a weird girl....

~time skip back at home~

Arielle: I'm back!!!!

Amara: welcome home sweetheart... so I heard that you got your test back... how did you do?

Arielle: huh?! I uh...


Arielle: *starts crying again and rushes up to my room and slams the door*

Luna: *jumps onto my window* Arielle... not need to cry...

Arielle: h-huh? W-Who- wait... your that cat from this morning!

Luna: yes... my name is Luna... I wanted to thank you for removing the bandages for me... and I wanted you to know that your the chosen guardian...

Arielle: me? The chosen guardian? But... I can't do anything! I'm just a crybaby...

Luna: but you are the chosen guardian... you have a mission... that mission is to find our missing Princess and find the other guardians as well...

Arielle: how?

Luna: here... *gives Arielle a broach*

Arielle: wow! A broach! Thank you Luna! *puts the broach on and it starts glowing* huh?! Luna! It's glowing!

Luna: shout these words Arielle! "Sun Prism Power! Make Up!"

Arielle: S-Sun- "Sun Prism Power! Make Up!" *transforms into Sailor Sun* whoa.... I look like Sailor V...

Luna: pretty cool right?

Sailor Sun: *hears something* huh? What's that? It sounds like... a monster?

Luna: *gasps* a monster must have appeared in the city...

Sailor Sun: we gotta get over there!


Monster: *taking energy from humans*

Sailor Sun: hey you! Monster! Get away from those people! I am the Pretty Guardian! Who fights for Love and for Justice! I am Sailor Sun! In the name of the Sun, you shall burn!

Monster: *growls and attacks Sailor Sun*

Sailor Sun: WHOA! *dodges and hits the ground hard while her knee bleeds a bit* owwww... what the hell is this?! *looks at my knee* oh my god! My knees is bleeding! *sees the monster walking towards her* I... don't like this.... *eyes tear up and starts crying super-sonic screams* I DONT LIKE THIS!!!! I JUST WANNA GO HOME!!!!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Monster: *covers it's ears*

Luna: *covers her ears as well*

???: *appears* stop crying Sailor Sun! Now! You must defeat the monster!

Sailor Sun: h-huh? *looks around*

Luna: Sailor Sun! Now! Your Tiara! Throw it and yell "Moon Tiara Boomerang!"

Sailor Sun: got it! "Moon Tiara Boomerang!" *uses Moon Tiara Boomerang on the monster and finishes it off*

Luna: you did it!

???: well... I didn't find the Silver Crystal... but I found something extraordinary... *jumps out of the window*

Sailor Sun: wait! *chases after the stranger*

Luna: Sailor Sun! Wait! *goes after Sailor Sun*

Sailor Sun: *sees the stranger in the distance*

???: I shall remember your name Sailor Sun... but you can call me... the Green Ninja... *leaves*

Sailor Sun: *sees him leave while blushing a bit*


???: Sailor Sun... what a formidable opponent... to think that she could defeat my monster like that... I'll have to keep an eye on her...

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