Act 2: Ami - Sailor Mercury

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~at school~

Student: hey have you heard of that student Mizuno? From class five?

Another Student: I heard she has an IQ of 300... and all she does is study... even in recess and lunch hour... isn't that sad?

Student: ya it is... *sees Ami* Oh that's her! *walks away from her*

Ami: *studying and looking down, then gets up to go inside*

Naru: so Arielle? How did you do on the test?

Arielle: you don't want to know! My scores are a disaster! *giggles*

Naru: *giggles as well* aren't they always?

Arielle: what's that supposed to mean? *laughs*

Naru: *laughs as well*


???: Jadeite! Where is the Legendary Silver Crystal? Why haven't you brought it to me?

Jadeite: apologies my queen... I won't fail you again...

???: our great ruler needs power from the humans... she requires nourishment... gather more energy from the humans to sustain her and don't keep me waiting for the Crystal any longer...

Jadeite: rest assured Queen Beryl... I have a new plan... and this one will succeed I promise you... *gets up and goes into a different room* come forth! Our great ruler requires your service my monster! *summons a monster* bring me the Legendary Silver Crystal! Do not fail!

~at home~

Arielle: I'm back!

Amara: welcome home sweetheart!

Arielle: *goes to her room and crashes onto the bed* man... I hope dinner is done soon... I'm hungry.... *looks at Luna* uh Luna... you don't have to keep an eye on me every second you know....

Luna: of course I do! You haven't been "Sailor Sun" for very long Arielle! There's still lots to learn! The next enemy could show up at any moment!

Arielle: *crying* ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I DONT EVER WANT TO GO THROUGH SOMETHING THAT SCARY EVER AGAIN! Who are these enemies anyway Luna? What do they even want?

Luna: they're not human... they are evil forces that shouldn't even exist in this world... you need to find the other guardians... you'll need their help to find the Princess and protect her!

Arielle: more guardians and a Princess? *thinks about the Green Ninja* you mean like the Green Ninja? And like Sailor V? Those two must be good guys like us, right?!

Luna: no it's not them... the second Sailor Guardian is someone else...

Me: huh?

Luna: sorry...

~time skip at night~

Luna: *at the Command Centre and looking on the computer* hmm... Ami Mizuno... *looks at Ami's picture*

~time skip at School~

Arielle: *looking at the score board* Ami Mizuno from class five is so smart...

Naru: I heard she's the top ranked student in the entire City...

Arielle: wow... she must be a real genius....

Naru: hey... don't worry... no one expects you to get scores like that...

Arielle: I know but did you really have to say it....

Umino: *comes over* that's because she goes to Crystal Seminar

Arielle: gah! Umino!

Naru: did you say "Crystal Seminar"? That cram school for the super smart students?

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