Definitely Not Normal

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Chapter one:

 The urge to escape these people began to pulse in me, pushing me past my limits. I simply couldn’t let them catch me. Only the Supreme Being could possibly know what they would do to me.

At times like this I truly wished I was just a normal teenager. That I hadn’t grown up with all the hardship of running around from place to place just to escape.

Then a thought crosses my mind causing a small smile to grace my face. But life would be pretty boring if I didn’t keep running. Even though it was for no apparent reason.

As I came out of my thoughts, I realized I was coming towards the end of the building, yes we are having a clichéd running on the roof scene straight out of an action movie and yes it is freaking awesome, which meant I had two options either I jump of this roof and hope to land on the next one and probably die, or let these people catch me and I don’t know probably also die.

I twisted my body till I am able to see the distance between my chasers and me. Luck apparently wasn’t on my side today. My chasers were really close now about 6 feet close.

And then I did the stupidest I have ever done and will probably ever do. I jumped.

With my eyes closed and a quick prayer I leaped of the building. But apparently not fast enough because before I knew what happened I was in the firm grip of a man probably in his mid 40’s.

I heard him mumble something along the lines of “Why do I have to babysit these stupid children anyway.”

Taking this in all offence. I felt my immature side come out as I struggled out of his grip and mimicked the annoying man. Making it near impossible for him to drag my body towards his accomplices.

He set me down on my two feet. His cronies soon begin to surround me. But soon they made a partition and let the man who had carried me in holding a smartphone in his hand.

“What do you want with me?” I asked curiously. But I didn’t get a reply.

The man simply pressed a button on the device. I put my head down and waited.

“Hello Ms. ivory Claude.”

Yes my name is Claude. Ivory Claude.

I sound way better than any James Bond imitation ever could.

“I see you put my men up for a chase.” The blond woman who looked like she was in her 50’s said.

“Who are you and what do you want with me?” I asked bluntly.

The woman muttered something under her breath before answering me. “ I am Madam Kate Yelts, and to answer your second question if you come with my men you will soon find out,” she said. “I hope to see you soon Ms. Claude.” Was the last thing she said before swiftly cutting the video call before I could ask any more questions.

We soon begin to walk in a northward direction with two men by my side. I felt a smirk appear on my face as I thought of why these men where flanking me. It was simple actually they knew I could and would escape, I am truly that awesome.

 I soon saw two black vans parked in a straight line, one following the other. The man in front of me opened the door to the first van while the other man, who had held onto me before I could jump, pushed me into the van. I turned around and gave him a deadly glare; if he was fazed by my look he certainly didn’t show it.

Five men including my man-handler filed into the van occupying the benches on either side of the van, while two other men sat in front, one in the driver seat and another in the passenger seat.

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