Chapter Two

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As I walked through the sweating and grinding bodies of others, I decided I needed something to drunk. I made my way over to the bar and ordered a beer. Just as I was about to take a sip my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered annoyed at whoever is disturbing me during my happy hour.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Dani screamed at me through the phone.

"Dam girl, calm down. I'm at the gym," I lied.

"Really? Does the gym have loud music and screaming people?" she asked sighing.

"I'm playing music," I replied rolling my eyes. I was really getting tired of her attitude.

"Bullshit. You're at that damn club aren't you?!" she said raising her voice.

"No. Now if you don't mind, I gotta go," I replied adding attitude.

"Don't you dare hang up on me! I'll co-" she started to say but didn't get to finish since I ended the call. I was really tired of her trying to control me. Who does she think she is, my mother? Then again my mother never could control me either. I grabbed my beer and chugged it and ordered a few more. I sat there for what seemed like forever but was really 45 minutes drinking my emotions away. By the time I was done I was drunk off my ass. I could barely stand and I loved it.

I made my way to the dance floor, grinding on some random stranger but not giving a care. As I continued to dance I realized I had to pee.

"Be right back babe," I slurred what I thought I had said but what probably came out to be a bunch of jumbled worlds. I winked at him, which probably looked like an eye twitch, and made my way to the bathrooms. I stumbled into the bathroom quickly doing my business and hoping I didn't pee everywhere. As I looked at myself in the mirror I realized I was a wreck. Makeup was all over my face, I had bags under my eyes, and the worst of all, there was no happiness in my eyes. Only sadness. What have I been doing to myself? I sigh at myself in the mirror and exit out of the bathroom.

As I walked across the club several guys tried to grind on me but I just pushed them away. One guy even came up to me and offered me a drink while another offered me sex but I rejected them. Usually I don't. It takes away the pain but today I just didn't feel in the mood anymore. Just as I was making my way to the door a guy ran into me, spilling alcohol all over me, as I fell to the ground. I groaned out in annoyance.

"Watch where you're going, lowlife," he spat at me.

"Geeze who got your panties in a wad?" I spat back getting off the floor. Just then, something happened that I never expected to. He slapped me, making me fall over once again on the floor. I gasped and held my cheek in surprise.

"And stay on the floor you filthy whore," he yelled making me wince. I waited for him to leave before pulling myself off the floor. Then and there I started bawling. I couldn't stop. I kept crying and crying until I finally found the door out of the club and got a taxi to take me home. As the taxi pulled over I noticed some strange cars in my driveway. I wondered who it could be until I saw Dani's.

"Shit," I whispered, "thanks for the ride," I said handing him the money. I slowly got out of the cab, wanting to turn around and run away. I was still crying and had no doubt those "hot" boys were inside my house considering I saw Harry's car parked in my driveway. I'm sure my makeup looked great. It's not that I wanted to impress these "hot" boys, I just didn't want anyone to see me in such a mess. I was never a girl to cry.

I slowly make my way up to my door and knock not even bothering to pull out my keys knowing I won't be able to pull myself to unlock it. Dani came to the door with her hand on her hips and anger in her eyes. The moment she laid eyes on me her face softened.

"Honey what happened?" she asked concerned. The only reason she wasn't mad any longer was because she had never seen me cry and she's been my friend for 7 years.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now. I just wanna sleep," I said walking past her to my kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water chugging it down and taking an Advil hoping to fight the headache I was already getting and hoping to become sober so I wouldn't spill everything to her. I heard her footsteps right behind me following my every move.

"You've been crying, something is obviously wrong," she whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked clear confusion coming across my face.

Just then I looked behind her at five very tall and very muscular boys and understood why she was whispering. She have me a look of concern and sorrow.

"Don't," I said looking her in the eye and making my way past the boys, but right as I was about to Harry stopped me.

"You've been hit," he said sounding upset and angry. I just looked at him while he examined my cheek. He gently touched my cheek and I winced gasping in pain. "Who hit you?" he asked full on anger in his voice. You couldn't gather words as you were now lost in his eyes. "Who hit you?!?" he asked raising his voice. I flinched and looked away afraid he'd hit me. He looked at me like he'd seen a ghost knowing that I thought he was gonna hit me. "I would never," he whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I looked at him again and saw clear sadness and upset in his eyes.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to bed," I said looking around the room at everyone and making my way to my room. I collapsed on my bed and stared at the wall thinking. I tried and tried to sleep but all I did was toss and turn. Finally I had fallen asleep but for some reason I seemed scared as I did.

I woke up from my bed with a hand around my waist. I quickly got up sighing as it was just Harry. Wait? What was Harry doing in my room and why was he in my bed? AND WHY WAS HE NAKED!? At least it looked like he was. I'm quickly got out of bed and realized I'm naked. What the fuck happened last night? Did we sleep together? I gasped at the thought. Something I wanted from the first time I laid eyes on him but something I wanted to remember. I wanted to do it out of love not out of being drunk. I quickly got changed and walked to the door but right as I was about to open the door a familiar hand stopped me.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked with a low, raspy voice that sounded of pure anger and it scared me.

"I'm going downstairs," I managed to choke out. For some reason Harry was really scaring me.

"I don't think so," he said as he grabbed my arm and threw me away from the door. I yelled as my head hit the dresser in my room.

"What the fuck Harry?" I screamed.

"SHUTUP you worthless bitch," he screamed as his hand wrapped around my neck. I gasped for air but couldn't find any.

"Harry stop!" I yelled but he didn't seem to hear me, "HARRY STOP" I yelled over and over again for him to stop but he just wouldn't. I gasped for air and tried and tried to pull his hand off me but he wouldn't budge. "HARRY," I screamed as loud as I could. He just looked at me with that stupid smirk on his face (we all know what I'm talking about) looking me dead in the eyes.

"And stay on the floor you filthy whore" he spat. "The man from the clubs words" I thought to myself. Before I knew it all I saw was darkness as I collapsed.

I gasped for air and jumped in my bed as I woke up. I put my hand on my neck trying to control my breathing. I was covered in sweat. I gasped and focused on controlling my breathing. Then I heard the door open. My eyes widened as Harry entered.

"Are you okay? I heard screaming and yelling," he said quickly coming to my side.

All I could think of to do was scream. And that's exactly what I did. I screamed and screamed as loud as I could.

(AN: hope you like it. Should I continue it or nah?)

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