Chapter Three

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All I could think of to do was scream. And that's exactly what I did. I screamed and screamed as loud as I could.

Harry jumped back as I started screaming, eyes wide and confusion on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you screaming?" Harry asked. I continued to scream until Dani came into the room as fast as possible. She looked tired and I had woken her up. Suddenly I felt a pain of guilt and stopped screaming. She knelt beside me as I started crying into my knees. She looked at Harry then at me confusion written on her face.

"What's wrong with her? What happened? You didn't do anything did you?" Dani asked Harry.

"No, I didn't do a thing. I heard noises coming from this room and then I heard my name and then she woke up. I tried to help and ask what was wrong but she started screaming and I have no idea why. " Harry replied.

"That's weird. Why would she just start screaming when she saw you?" Dani asked looking at me. I continued to cry into my knees hugging them as hard as possible as dank rubbed my back.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Tell me," she asked softly. I looked at her then Harry and shook my head. She stared at Harry for a moment before asking him to leave the room so she could try to get what's wrong. "Okay, now will you tell me what's wrong?" she asked again. I sighed and slowly stretched my feet out and stopped crying.

"I was at the club earlier and this guy ... He bumped into me, then called me all these names and then ... Then he hit me. He hit me! He told me to stay on the floor because I belonged there. It was so horrible," I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out this time.

"So why'd you scream at Harry? He wasn't the guy was he? He couldn't have been he's not that type plus he was here with me," Dani said trying I figure this all out.

"He was in my dream. I woke up .. And he was next to me ... He .. He was naked and so was I," I gulped nervous as I managed to choke out my words, " I woke up and tried to go downstairs but .. But he grabbed me by the neck and started to choke me .. Then the words from the guy at the bar came out of his mouth. I tried and tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't. And then it was completely darkness and I woke up to Harry in my room." Dani looked at me with sorrow and sadness.

"I'm sorry. Let me tell you something, I know Harry like the back of my hand, he would NEVER EVER do such a thing to ANYONE. Okay? He would NEVER hurt you, especially you," Dani said as she rubbed my arms in comfort, "there's no reason to be afraid of him okay?" I nodded afraid if I spoke if start crying again. "Let's go get some food in your tummy, I know you're hungry," she giggled as she stood up, offering a hand to help me up.

As we made our way downstairs I could smell bacon and eggs and other various foods being cooked. "Mmmmmmmm smells good," I said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Thank you," said Harry not making eye contact. I gulped as I saw him still not completely sure if I should trust him or not. Dani and I sat down at the table and started talking about various funny things. We eventually got on Harry's twitter and were reading all the sexual things girls had sent him. We laughed and laughed at many of them, reading them to Harry, his eyes getting big at what most of them said.

"Those are some brave girls, I'd never be able to say that on twitter let alone in person," I said giggling.

"Alright enough of that," Harry said snatching his phone away from Dani and throwing it in his pocket.

"Awwww Hazza, you ruined our fun," Dani said crossing her arms, as I giggled. Harry looked at her and rolled his eyes as she pouted.

"Well the foods almost done so you'll be eating here soon," he replied chuckling at Dani's pouting.

"I bet we could figure out his password," Danis whispered to me and I started giggling.

"Might not wanna try that one, I bet it's something really cheeky," I whispered back, "or maybe it's his own name," we both started laughing as we talked about what his password would be. We came up with several things that seemed like Harry would use.

"Okay, okay you two. Breakfast is ready," Harry said annoyed at us.

"Awwww Harry don't be annoyed, were just messing with you," Dani said giggling.

"I know you are, and I'll get you back later for it," he replied, winking in the process. "I'm gonna go wake the boys up so you can get first dibs because we all know how they eat," he chuckled.

"Thanks Harry," Dani said kissing his cheek. As soon as we got our food Harry went upstairs to wake up the boys.

"See I told you, nothing to worry about, he's a really nice guy," Dani said assurance in her voice.

"Yeah, you were right. It was just a silly dream," I said smiling at her, "and the fact that he was the one who choked me then I woke up to him being there. Now that scared the living shit out of me."

"It would've to me also," Dani said, "enough talk, dig in." We started eating and not sooner than two minutes later we hear a stampede of boys coming down the stairs, loud voices and feet.

"Food!" they chirped in unison, stuffing as much food as possible onto a plate, Only one of them being neat. They soon all sat down at the table, including Harry, and started eating. Harry sat at the other end, away from me, while the rest who I had no clue the names of seated around me and Dani. A blonde one and the neat one sat next to me and a dark haired one with a "zap" tattoo across from me next to Dani, and next to him was a guy who was extremely loud.

"Well guys, since Megan here doesn't know any of you except Harry you should probably introduce yourselves," Dani said and all the boys' heads looked up at me.

"I'm Liam," the neat one next to me said, so that's his name. I nodded.

"I'm Niall," the blonde one next to me said with a mouth full of food. I giggled and nodded at him.

"I'm Zayn," the guy with the "zap" tattoo said.

"And I'm Louis," the loud one said. I know knew all of their names so I wouldn't have to call them by names I made myself observant to their actions.

"Nice meeting y'all," I said as Liam and Zayn being the only ones who nodded back.

"So Harry, what were you and Megan doing last night? I heard some commotion and some names and screaming," Louis looked at Harry and nudged him in the arm with a smirk on his face. I dropped my fork and Harry looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.

"Louis stop we d-" Harry started.

"Oh c'mon lad, we know you guys had," but before I could hear anymore I ran up to my room crying.

"Look what you assholes did!" I heard Harry yell. Soon I heard footsteps come up the stairs and a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Harry," he said. I thought if I should let him in or not for a moment deciding I should, maybe he could make me feel better.

"Come in," I replied hugging my knees and putting my face between them.

"Hey, listen," Harry started, "Louis is an ass and he always thinks he knows shit. Just ignore him okay?" I just continued crying as he spoke not wanting to say anything. "Look at me," he said, sadness clear in his voice. He then touched my knee, "please, look at me," I slowly lifted my head and looked at him, "there we go," he smiled at me, "now listen, Louis is an asshole and he's stupid and doesn't know what he's saying and always jumps to conclusions. I'll talk to him okay? But first ... You need to tell me something," he looked at me as I nodded, "I heard you telling me to stop and I for sure know it wasn't in a good way, so Megan, tell me what your dream was." I stared at him wide eyed as I realized, I had to tell him.

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