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No one's pov. (Contains small amount of graphic content)

Summer was dying, letting in the chilling fall. The humid air sputtered one last cough of defeat and a cool breeze whipped through the trees. It swirled onto the porch of the old house. The house was silent. Our lovers had not spoken in weeks.

Love was a blooming rose.. too bad roses had thorns.

Jimin sat on his white bed, in his hand was a blade. The blade glinted in the moonlight. Jimin studied his pure figure in his mirror. His eyes narrowed to the spot where his heart layed. He felt his heart pound with fear and determination.

"You say I don't feel pain.. don't you, Jungkook?"

He rose the knife to his milky white chest, drew in a sharp breath, and pushed down. Pain spread throughout his body as he made two jagged lines. The bloodied cuts created an "X" shape over his chest.

Cold tears stream down his smooth cheeks. "I-I feel pain.. h-here.. my heart.. your heart.. our love."

He whimpers and stares at the wound on his chest. Thoughts swim in his head and he feels dizzy. Jimin stands up and drops the knife. He pulls a shirt back on, staggering to the window. He lurches forward and stumbles.

A cool hand wraps around his wrist and pulls him back up. A dark and familiar presence fills the lonely room. Jimin opens his eyes staring into cold black orbs. Jimin bursts into joyful, hot tears. "J-Jungkook.." he heaves out and falls into Jungkook's strong arms.

Jimin feels complete.. free..

Jungkook's pov.

I shouldn't be here. Next to my angel, on this soft bed. I shouldn't feel his lips against mine. I don't deserve it.. But I was here anyway. I was done avoiding this house.. these midnight whispers. I was done avoiding Jimin

My beautiful Jimin. As I held him in my arms, I could still feel something was terribly wrong. I couldn't bring myself to ask about it. Jimin would tell me when the time was right. I kiss him between whispers and giggles. Our arms and legs were wrapped around each other as we spoke in hushed tones. I trail my hands down his sides and he traces my features with those fragile fingers.

Those freckles.. like the stars in the sky. They littered his face. He was a masterpeice.. my artwork. Those eyes.. sparkled like the moon in the lake's reflection. They prodded at my darkest secrets and made everything alright.

His eyes brightened like two lightbulbs and he smiled that sweet, lively smile.

"We should go on a walk.. I have something for you."

Serendipity and His Sin (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now