Is She Hot? (Richie)

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Richie's P.O.V.

Stanly kept talking about some girl he knew, and how amazing she was to the whole group. "Is she hot?" I ask looking at him smiling, using one of my old jokes. "The hottest girl I know." Stanly said smiling. "She will meet us later at the Quarry as well." Stanly said starting to blush. I just rolled my eyes.

Later without the rest of the group I decided to go to the summer carnival. When I got there I noticed a flute leaning against a building. I picked up and started to play random cords. It didn't sound any good but I was making noises. Then a girl with h/l h/c tried to take it away from me, so I ripped it away from her. "If you give me my flute back, I'll teach you a  few notes." She said frustrated. She taught me a lot about the flute and I made her laugh a lot. Her laugh was so cute and adorable. "What's your name dork?" She asked jokingly. "I don't know doll face, what's my name? If we weren't here you would be screaming it." I said winking at her. "Stay funny Trashmouth." She said turning around and walking away. "Stay sexy doll face." I say turning and walking away.

I rode my bike to the Quarry and saw all of the losers standing at the rock looking down. I took off all my clothes except my underwear and walked to the edge with them. "Where is Stanly?" I ask looking around for him. "He is coming with his lady friend." Beverly said smiling. We all sat on the cliff and hung our legs off the edge while waiting for Stanly and his friend. When Stanly got here he came and sit by us. I turned around to look for the girl and I noticed the girl from the carnival. "Hey Doll Face." I say standing up and looking at her. She had on an orange bra and f/c underwear.  "Hey Trashmouth!" she says walking up to me. I was about to lean in to kiss her but then the bitch pushed me off the side. When I hit the water I heard a splash behind me. She turned me around and kissed me underwater. We both came up smiling. "The name is L/n, Y/n L/n." She said winking at me. "What is yours?" She asked smiling up at me. "You'll be screaming it tonight." I said winking back at her. "Alright Trashmouth." She said kissing me again and this time staying connected longer than before.

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