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The Dank Knights marched for days that moulded together like clay. The sweat dripped profusely so much, in fact that they left puddles behind. Despite the struggle nothing could keep them down as they always used the freshest memes to replenish not only stamina but general morale amongst the dank knights. But as they neared they felt a sinister presence lurking... But they couldn't put their extremely sweaty fingers on it, then they saw it. They'd never seen such a fearsome creature up close. It was... A DOGE MEME!
"Strap Up With Your finest Pepe's and Ugandan knuckles' bois" Knight 1 bellowed like a ghetto meme
"You sure we can delete this stale meme sire? He looks like he has level 30 comic sans" Knight 2 (The Tide Pod Archer) yelled.
"No but we have to try to delete this meme off of redditvania before it reaches the capital of 4 Chan or else 9gag will take control"
Then almost without warning the doge activated 'MUCH DAMAGE VERY WOW' And then...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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